
Friday, September 21, 2012

My First Post

My first post!  I'm posting this just before my husband Tom, my mother in law Kathy and I are heading to Houston to ride our motorcycles with my sister in law and her husband.  My father in law pasted away very unexpectedly this year at the end of July, and this is our first ride we take since then and without him.  It will probably prove to be emotional but still fun.  I have always liked motorcycles and my husband and his family (excluding a couple of siblings out of six) have been riding for a long time.  I wanted my first vehicle to be a motorcycle, but since I knew that wasn't going to happen I went for what was almost tied with that; a Ford truck.  Texas girl heart, soul and I'm sure my accent too, I wanted a truck.  I got in when I turned 16.  My parents took over payments from my new uncle Rick.  2001 F-150 extended cab in a maroon the shined and beamed to nice.  Still does when it's clean but since then it's endured a few university parking lots, there are a few dings in the doors from people not caring.  We still have that truck, it's what my husband drives to work when the weather is bad.  Tom usually takes the motorcycle to work.  He works as an EMT-B at a local ambulance company.  I'm a stay at home mom with just Evelyn so far.  We will be trying for another soon.  So good luck to us!

I'm excited to start this blog.  I keep records of things so much better when I type them up.  For some reason, I haven't been able to post through any of my mobile devices (cell phone and Nook) so I don't know  when I can visit next but I hope it will be soon.  Talk to you when I talk web world.  We are hitting the road!

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