
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Texas Snow

        Have you ever seen a cotton field after it has been harvested? We have a lot of cotton fields around this area. It looks like snow is on the ground. Christmas in July. That’s how I remember when it’s time to harvest the cotton, not that wedo the harvesting. And yes, I do know what snow looks like. We have visited family in Utah. Seeing the “snow” on the ground makes me think, “Summer is almost over and soon kids will be going to school, then I will be making costumes, then ‘gobble gobble’ Turkey Day, then tamales at Christmas with the scent of pine and the sparkle of lights and wrapping paper and then a new year is here and the live stock show is here before I can blink.” Well, kids are in school, I sort of made costumes, and it’s almost turkey time! I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want to decorate for this Christmas. Every year I try to do a different theme than the previous year. Our first Christmas as a married couple was a toy land theme. Instead of a star we had an old teddy bear that my dad gave me that he had when he was a baby. The next year we didn’t really have a tree. Evelyn was almost 6 months and we were afraid of her getting into things. I think we only put lights on the tree that year. Last Christmas was the first Christmas that we spent in the house we are in now. We decorated the tree gold and red with a white cotton skirt made to look like glistening snow. This year I am so unsure. I’m considering making it a tradition to use the same ornaments every year. I just don’t want to spend money getting all new decorations when we just don’t have the money for it and money for the gifts we want to get for each other, Evelyn and other family. No point when I could probably put several things together and come up with a“new” theme. Maybe. We will see. Cross your fingers for me!

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