
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Updates of Goals

Well, let me say first that I'm sorry that I am a horrible blogger! I don't know if anyone out there has read my blog but I am back!

Updates on what I have done with my house. My goal was to simplify. I rid myself of the entertainment unit we had that was no longer needed and I rearranged, again, to help the living room feel cozier. Before, it was too open for the amount of things we have.

I rearranged the master bedroom and I think I prefer it the new way. When we get our little girl out of our room, along with her toddler bed, we can buy a nice chaise or a chair and ottoman for a reading/sitting corner which is something that I have always wanted in a master bedroom.

We also took the bed out of the guest room, wrapped them and stood them up in the one car garage. So now the office is only an office, only it has become the room that we put things in so Evelyn and the cat won't get them. So that needs to be worked on.

The kitchen is mostly the same. I took an extra cabinet from when my husband and his father put in the kitchen before we met, it had been sitting in the masterbath not being used, and put it in the kitchen. It is now my "can cabinet." Other than that the kitchen is still the way I want it and like it to be.

With part of our tax return we did a micro remodel on the house bath; new curtain rod (the curved type to give us elbow room), new hooks and new curtain. Just a couple of days ago I added a few new touches to the bathroom to complete it. When we moved in, two of the walls in the bathroom were painted brown. Yeah, brown? The family that was renting before us had the theme as whales and bubbles taken from a hand towel and it had brown circles so they painted two walls brown and had brown vinyl circles on the other two white walls. We took down the circles right away and intended to paint the whole room white with a little yellow duckies scene because that was the theme we had. The new shower curtain is fabric, white backdrop with a large brown tree and two blue birds. Since we had a ducky theme we had blue towels and a blue rug. It worked out so perfectly I was suprised. I alao traded a yellow cup we kept our teeth cleaning supplies and put them in a Mason jar. I also put Yardley lavender bar soap on a larger Mason jar with the lid on to keep them feesh. Also the lid is a stainless steel look which is the finish on most of the fixtures. Another neat occurance. I cleared out the top of the counter leaving only mouth wash, vitamins and a large pump bottle of lotion.

Evelyn's room needed some totes and boxes to organize the ever growing amount of toys she has. A few years ago, my husbands family went to Disneyland. We didn't get to because I was due with Evelyn that week of the trip. It had been planned just when we found out, before we told anyone. At Disneyland they bought a big Mr. Potato Head and filled it with all kinds of pieces. The boys didn't play with it much, it only made a mess so that was pasted down to Evelyn. She loves Mr. Potato Head. My mother bought some "school boxes" and that helped to contain the chaos.

The livingroom, that is a story. I rearranged it four times in one day to get it where it is now. We have one of those old big screen tvs that my uncle and aunt gave us when the bought a giant flatscreen. I put it into a corner next to our large window and put our section back together. I had seperated it to give us more space but that eneded up only making the livingroom look as if it was empty. We bought a cheap black tall shelf from Wal-Mart and put all our movies and some books, albums and family binders on it. After rearraging the tv and sectional, I grabbed a drifter piano bench and made it the coffee table. It worked nicely, had space for a medium basket with books and two lap blankets under it. I bought a wooden sign with glass style nobs on it from Hobby Lobby, was only $22 on sale from I think $60. Love those sales. I hung that up in the foyer, we have a distictive foyer now instead of empty space! I hung large tags I made and wrote our names on each one. I have been wanting to buy a "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster. It's red and that is the accent color in the livingroom. Wal-Mart had one, with their "I'm a cool college dorm room poster" section with frams to accent them with. I got a black frame and the red Carry On poster. The frame wasn't big enough so I had to use black Duck Tape to "reframe." It still has that sheen to it and you can only tell something is different if you really look at the poster.

A long post to make up for taking so long to post again. I hope I get better at this. I will add a few pictures soon to show my work of the house.

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