
Friday, January 3, 2014

Gender Reveal Party...Yes or No?

As most of you know, this is our second child that we are pregnant with now.  Many times you hear that parents don't get as excited with each subsequent child.  This is proven with both my mom and my husband having very few pictures of themselves as babies.  Both of them are the youngest of  six children.  I didn't want to start doing this.  I'm trying to find traditions we can start that we do each time we prepare for another child.  A Gender Reveal Party is something that is coming up in popularity so that is something that we are considering to do.
When an event comes up, I like to make the invitations and signs myself.  I did the same thing with this.  I go through Esty and find a theme I like and go off of that.  Looking at all the Gender Reveal invitations, I liked the "Little Mister or Little Miss" theme with blue mustaches and pink bows best.  I decided early that if we have a boy, the baby shower will be "If you Mustache, we are having a BOY!" theme.  So a blue mustache seemed appropriate and I liked the pink bow more than the pink or red lips.  Lips seemed to grown up to me, more like Chicago or Moulin Rouge.  Yes, mustaches are quite grown up, but they have become a big novelty that everyone uses on anyone so it's not just something used on Father's Day now.
The reason I am posting this is because I wanted to get out my burning question...
Is it worth having a Gender Reveal Party?
My husband had been out of a job for two months and he is just starting his new in fact.  We don't have much money but this job is much better pay than his last.  Also, when we plan on having the party, it would be after being paid and being able to catch up with bills, so financially, we can have a little something.
I don't know how these gender parties usually work, but on the invite I made, I said that we ask for no presents since we will have a baby shower at a later date.  This Gender Reveal party is only going to be a hot chocolate bar and homemade muffins; blueberry (for little Mister) and triple berry (for little Miss).  I didn't want this party to be as big a deal as the baby shower that we will have.  I just wonder if it will be worth it all, or should we just have dinner somewhere with our immediate family (no tios and cousins),  and open the envelope with them.  It would be much easier and my husband is much more for that.
Pluses for a Gender Reveal Party
  • more exciting pictures for the baby book
  • we get to have a hot chocolate bar and muffins!
  • we make a big deal about it being a boy or girl, my husband and I want the opposite this time 
    so it's like a competition (hee hee hee)
  • I can use all the signs I worked so hard on
  • we can have a "voting booth"
Pluses for an Intimate Reveal
  • cheaper
  • it can be done earlier
  • keeps husband from worrying more
  • we don't have to set up anything
  • we don't have to try and keep the secret from ourselves also (major plus!)
I would love to have a Gender Reveal Party!  We might just have to wait and see.
Right now I am voting for having the party.

What do yall think?

Update: We didn't do the gender reveal party.  The more I thought about it the more tired I became.   Found out later my iron was verrrrry low.  

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