
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

And Now We Know

A week ago we had our sonogram to know if we are having a boy or a girl...

We are having a GIRL! My husband was hoping for a boy to even out our numbers. Too bad! I wanted a girl because I want Evelyn to have a sister. I had just my brother and I always wondered what it would've been like if I had also had a sister. My brother always wondered what it would be like to have a brother since he just had me. We plan on having more kids so there still are chances to have boys.

Since we first started trying (back in May 2013), I have been planning for this baby. Today we recieved our car seat in the mail and I am so excited to use it. We had planned on using our old infant car seat but we didn't store it well enough and a mouse chewed through half of a strap, so of course we needed to replace it. I did research and found that Chicco (pronounced Key-co, its Italian. I find it odd when those who sell Chicco, like at Babies R'Us, don't pronounce it correctly. The Chicco website tells you how to pronounce it), Chicco has the best safety ratings almost every year and the biggest complaint I thought we might have to worry about was the size of the canopy, according to reviews for the Keyfit 30. The other complaint was that the material made their child sweat too much but I didn't think that would be a problem since my husband, daughter and myself don't over sweat. Well, the canopy promblem was corrected when the Keyfit 30 Magic came out. The canopy unzips in the back and extends exposing a mesh section. The sides of the canopy are also mesh though it is denser. This model also comes with a footmuff. It is pretty thin for being a footmuff but is perfect for when you bring a newborn home in summer when you want to keep the sun and hard wind off. I don't have a problem with people touch my baby the way others seem to (I just ask if they are sick and if they are not...go for it) but if you have issues with touchy people, the footmuff plus extended canopy could ward of some people. We purchased our Chicco Keyfit 30 Magic at Babies R'Us with a trade in during the great trade in, so we had about $50 knocked off, yay!

A while back, Evelyn told us that she wanted to sleep in the same room as the baby, so the office will be the playroom and Evelyn's room will be "the girls'room." For awhile I have been trying to decide how to decorate and what colors and all that and I am almost to being close to something I might like. I know I want the room bright and I know I can't use pink in Evelyn's bedding. She really doesn't like pink.
"No Mommy I don't like pink. You like pink. Pink is for Mommy, not for me."
She has said that many times. Many times. I want Raven (I will tell about how we chose that name in a later post) to have bright pink in her bedding since she really doesn't have a choice and I haven't been able to buy anything pink for Evelyn in over a year. I was able to get one little sweater for her in pink this winter and she liked it because it had a bunny on top a stack of tea cups which she thought was funny. Even then, I bought it when she wasn't with me and I forced her to wear it the first time.
Back to figuring out what to do about the girls' room. I know Evelyn's bedding will be aqua and Raven's will be bright pink. I want the Harper quilts from Pottery Barn Kids and just plain white sheets for both the crib and toddler bed. Raven will spend her first six months or so in our room in a half sized travel crib that we used with Evelyn that worked perfectly for bed side sleeping. The bedding for Raven won't be needed before she is born but I do want to have the room ready and complete by the time she comes, at least for Evelyn. Even when Raven moves into the room with Evelyn, she can't use the quilt until she is at youngest a year. That is when a child is generally capable of removing a blanket from their face when sleeping.

In about a month, I will hopefully be able to update and tell you exactly what our plans are for "The Girls' Room."

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