
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Baby Planning Update

It has been too long since my last post.  Many things have been happening to get ready for Baby #2!

I made burp cloths, onesies, bought a rug for the girls' room, rearranged it and rearranged the living room to fit our baby swing.  My mom also bought me a china cabinet from one of her sisters which I am very excited about!  Doesn't seem like much in a list like that but this is also with me, evidently, having very low iron causing me to be tired all the time. I had extra vitamins added daily and now I have energy again! 

I still have Raven's blanket to make, paint the girls room, spray paint the table lamp white and add a new shade to it.  Tom has the office to finish clearing to make into the playroom so all the toys will be in one room. That list seems more daunting. Eek!

My baby shower pictures to come soon!

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