
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Baby Shower

On May 24, 2014, I had my baby shower!
I had been waiting for it for a long time.  Once you have the shower it means you are almost there to the end!  I am ready for it too!  I want to hold my new baby girl!  I also know what else we need to get.  Some crib sheets, Evelyn is in a toddler bed so she still uses the same size sheets so we need some just for raven. We also needed new baby towels, newborn socks (we have the bigger baby sizes but not newborn), new Boppy cover (I took Evelyn's and I'm going to use it in a quilt later), and also nipple cream.  Going to need that!  My nursing bras are ordered online already but I don't know if they will make it in time. Uh oh!  I'm due June 17 but already more than 1.5 cm dilated and my bras won't even ship until the first week of June.  I don't want to wait any longer...for either. 

Back to the baby shower.  I wanted to use the same colors we are using in the girls' room which are bright pink, yellow, aqua and bright green.  We also had purple and orange at the party.
My mother in law made the balloon flowers and the puffy tissue balls.  I picked out streamers. I love adding streamers!  Adds color for almost no cost!

Sign in table.  If you get HGTV Magazine, you might recognize the wreath. I had wanted to try out making one so I did and it was the door prize for the shower. Thought it was extra cute since the door prize was a prize made for a door!  That may only be cute to a very pregnant woman with mommy brain. 

Just like for Evelyn, the baby shower guest sign in was a page from Raven's scrapbook.  

Food was provided by family and friends!  My mom found that food daisy dish at Steel's. You can rearrange the petals to be any which way!

Of course my mom made my cake.  When she makes cake for baby showers (for the family only really), she likes to use toys that the baby can use after being born.   It's a cute tradition that she didn't intend on doing. 
My mom often makes cupcakes special for the kids at such parties.  

Evelyn also was surprised with a Big Sister cake!  It was a large cupcake topped with very blue frosting!  In this picture my mom is helping Evelyn cut her Big Sister cake.  The other little girl is my cousin's daughter.  She wanted to be in all the pictures, she's hammy that way!  Evelyn usually only is when she has professional pictures done.  I think it makes her feel extra special!

We also had games that my cousin did but I forgot to take pictures while doing them.  I am 14 tissues squares round at my biggest part, or should I say Raven's biggest part.  We had the baby poop game where you guess what candy is in which diaper, jelly bean guess, gumdrop guess, baby food guess and candy guess story.  That is when the name of a candy fills in pieces of the story. Example: "When Erica first met Tom she though he was such a..."
"Hunk!" and the person wins a Hunk bar!
I was a bit mean with a joke and said, "Chunky!"  That was the only candy I could think of the whole game!  Mommy brain is really getting me right now. All the blood is going to Raven to help her finish baking!

I had such a fun time!  Thank you my family for making it so wonderful!

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