
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Superhero Party!

June 1st, my cousin's little girl had her 3rd birthday party!

Evelyn likes Batman so we all dressed as Batman!
My cousin likes everyone to dress up for the theme of each party which I love to do!   I try and do that for every kids party.  Evelyn ran around like a crazy monkey, beat the piƱata and sang happy birthday!  She loves to go to birthday parties!
Two cakes!  Her daddy's birthday is the same as her's. 

They had a great face painter that is a student at the university.   Evelyn first, was afraid to have her face painted, then she saw other kids do it and my uncle do it and it didn't hurt them, so she had the same thing done as her cousin. 

I added thin elastic to the sides of my shirt to make it maternity, plus bought it big to give Raven room. 

We had a lot of fun!  My feet swelled up horribly!   At my doctor's appointment, the next day, we found my blood pressure to be narrow, causing the over swelling, headaches and nausea I have been having this past week.  But the party was great fun!!!

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