
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Proud to be American, Proud to be Texan

Sometimes when you have a newborn, you go out for fast food at all hours of the night.   Tonight was such a night.  

We went to

As my husband and daughter went to get me my requested cinnamon bun, I sat, looking at a window cling that read


I sat, thinking of what has been happening with Mexico and USA boarders.   I am happy to be an American of the United States, but I have become saddened by the simplistic fact that our constitution is being broken by those who are meant to uphold its resolve the best and the most.
Texas is known for being gun totin' type.  I remember a report of a purse thief, whom had dragged the women to take it, was stopped by a person who was concealing.    I pray for the safety of those who serve at our boarders and I also pray that our governor, Rick Perry, will not be afraid to protect us and do what is right.   

Say a prayer for those who, are not only protecting us over seas, but also those who protect us close to home at our boarders.

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