
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rescue Bot Birthday!

My first born, Evelyn, turned four this month!    She has grown so much!   Evelyn talks all the time.   There are two things that always surprises me about her: her size and her memory.  

Evelyn was almost nine pounds when she was born and she wore newborn size for about two weeks before the prints on her onesies were being over stretched.   She is only just four years old and she wears a size seven!   

Evelyn's memory astounds me!   Since she was born, Tom and I noticed that she remembered more than those around her age.   When she started talking she would remind us about things that happened weeks ago.   Just this week, we were driving into town and Evelyn was looking out the window and she said, "I forgot to eat my brownie at the baby shower."   She was thinking back to a week earlier when she was at my cousin's baby shower.  Not far back to remember but Evelyn does that when we drive; she looks out the window and just remembers.  Evelyn will usually call the past "yesterday."   She's started to say, "Remember when..." instead of, "Yesterday when..."

Evelyn's first birthday party's theme was "Sugar, Spice and Everything Pink."   We had it at my parents since we were still moving into the house we are in now.  We had all pink decor and cupcakes!   I made ice cream cones out of large Manila paper and pink paper lanterns and hung them over the food table.

Evelyn's second birthday party's theme was Hello Kitty in her red bow.   I was very adamant about Kitty being in her red bow. We have two DVDs of Hello Kitty, in one episode, she says her favorite color is red and that's why her ribbon (bow) is red.   I wanted to stick with the original.   This party was Evelyn's first water party also.   The colors ended up being red, white, and blue; red bow, white kitty (Kitty White is her name), and blue water.  That party
was at our house.  
Evelyn's third birthday party was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Remember from this post?

Evelyn's forth birthday party's theme was Rescue Bots!





A Transformer series designed for younger kids.  
Our whole family enjoys it!

I found and ordered the invitations but my parents are the ones who did this party.   We had discussed it before Raven was born, they would throw Evelyn's birthday party this year since Raven would be about a month old or so and I didn't know how I would be feeling.   It was another water party with a very large Optimus Prime piñata!   We had to rip open the body ourselves and my older cousin broke the head because it was such a tough one.
Evelyn was so happy with her friends and cousins!   

(Pictures coming soon)
Raven was even dressed for the party!

I found the picture here, great artist!   I just printed the image onto this paper, and followed the instructions.
Ta da!   Super cutie Rescue Bot fan!

We all had fun!  Happy birthday Evelyn!  Mommy and Daddy are so happy you are with us and we are so happy that you have grown so much!

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