
Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

I have not said this directly.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

I am a Mormon.

I'm not sure why I was not direct about it.  I think I wanted people to "find it" in my posts.  I like it when I find that in someone's blog, little things that link us that way.  This is no little thing indeed, but I hope you know what I mean.  I am extremely happy to be a member of this church.  I have a relationship with my Heavenly Father and my eldest brother, Jesus Christ because I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  My husband served a mission for our church.  My father served a mission for our church.  My brother comes home from his mission on Monday (YAY!).

I don't think anyone reads my blog.  According to the info on my dashboard, yeah, no one does.  I subscribed Tom myself so I would feel better about what I'm doing but I am going to write this as if I have a sold out audience.  I will speak (type/blog) boldly so someday another can hear me.  I'm doing this so at least one other person in the world can read my blog and feel comfort in knowing that they are not the only one going through what they are.

I am a Mormon.

I was born into the church and I grew to love it at a very young age.  It helped me choose whom I wanted to marry.  I was engaged before I met Tom.  This young man got baptized.  He said it was his own choice and he didn't do it for me but he stop going to church completely once we broke up.  You can conclude what you want.  When I was very young, I decided that I would only marry a man that served a mission.  It was very important to me.  A young man on a mission learns to solely serve others.  They learn who they are as a child of God and they give one of the greatest gifts to people; learning that you came from God, our Heavenly Father, and His plan of salvation.  I wanted that example for my children.  I wanted my kids to have a return missionary as a father.  That's why I made that decision, for my future children.  This young man told me he would not serve a mission and I almost gave in.  I almost married him.  I couldn't.  I decided along time ago that I would marry a return missionary and why was I going to change that?  For a young man?  If I had to change that to marry him, then he wasn't the one I was supposed to marry.  He wasn't meant to be the father of my children.
I told Tom that if he hadn't gone on a mission, I wouldn't have even dated him.  It's true.  I wouldn't have.  I didn't want to go through that again.  I love Tom very much but just because I love him, that doesn't make him the best for my children.  For those of you who are not married yet, decide who you will marry by think who this man will be for your future children.  It helps a lot when your heart and mind seem conflicted.  A return missionary is what I needed for my kids.

I am a Mormon.

I am a mother of two girls.  I am a wife to a wonderful man that sometimes acts like a kid and always acts as if his whole purpose is to love and provide for us; his family.  I am kind.  I am very talkative.  I have hope.  I try to love everyone because even when they are mean to me, if I am mean to them, I don't feel right.  The Spirit tells me it's wrong.  I am not perfect.  I get angry sometimes.  I sometimes don't clean the house.  I love my husband and I will always be faithful to him.  I am not a perfect parent.  I try to be patient.  I try to not yell at my oldest (the younger is a baby) who sometimes doesn't listen so she can do whatever she wants.  I am happy that I have the church.  I am happy we have a prophet that continues to guide us through Jesus Christ.

I am happy to be a Mormon.

Want to know more about Mormons?  Just curious?

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