
Thursday, September 11, 2014

13th Anniversary of 9/11

This hangs in the police department.

This inspired me to write a post for this year's anniversary of 9/11.

I remember that day.  I was in 8th grade.  That year, I rode to school with my friend in the morning and after school she would ride with me.  As we were walking out the door to go to school, her father told us a plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers saying the specific kind of plane it was.  He was ex-military so I assumed it was a jet.  Small.  One of ours that had technical difficulties.

By the time we reached school and were in our first periods, the second tower was hit.  That's when we learned what was really going on.  Our school was put on lock down and the teachers were told to keep their TVs off.  Not one of them listened.  We went from class to class and all we did that day was watch the TV.  It didn't feel real.  I felt as if I was going to wake up and then have a crazy dream to tell my friends later at school.  It was no dream.  Not in any way.  In no way was it fair.

I teach a Sunday school class of 13 and 14 year olds.  Some of them weren't even born when this happened.  These children I teach have lived their entire lives in a country in war.  I didn't think that would happen to the United States of America.  Not like this. We have had wars before but not like this. I knew it has happened in other places.  Other places that were so angry.  Other places that were so lost.  But here?  But us?  It didn't seem fair for all those who were out safe then were told they could go back for their possessions and then were caught inside when the Tower fell.  It's not fair for those who died trying to save people.  It's not fair some children have to grow up away form a parent who is fighting a war.  It's not fair.

God never said it would be fair.  He said there would be wars.  If you read the scriptures, you knew something like this would eventually happen. Why is it a shock then?  You just feel you have more time.  More time before it gets this bad.  More time.  I wish we could all have more time.

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