
Friday, May 29, 2015

Evelyn's End of the School Years Teachers Gifts

This was Evelyn's first year of school so I have made several gifts for teachers this year but for some reason, maybe I didn't take them, but I can't find documentation of them.  No pictures.  Nope, not a one.  So when I made the end of the year gifts last night, I made sure to take pictures of what I did.  Even if I didn't put it here, I would want to put it in Evelyn's school memory book.

Picture Frame Message Boards!
So simple and functional!

These End of the School Year Teacher gift I made are 99% from The Dollar Tree.
  • Picture frame (I used a 5x7 so there would be plenty of note taking room)
  • Lined notebook paper (one of the only things I already had, I used FiveStar)
  • Dry erase marker (I found a three pack at The Dollar Tree that had the eraser on the cap)
  • Plain white gift bags
  • Blue highlighter and red and black markers to decorate the gift bag (I already had these too)

I printed "Ms. Benavides says" and "Ms. Garza says" on regular lined notebook paper, cut to size and put it into the frame.  Pair with a dry erase marker and voila!  You have a gift that took 15 minutes to do including printing and cutting time.  At first I just put in the paper with nothing on it, but it looked too plain.  Personalizing it really rounded it off.

The plain white bags I bought are sold at The Dollar Tree in pairs and I used a fine blue highlighter to make the lines and a solid red Sharpie to finish it off.  I mimicked the font I used for the note and the paper in the frames on the outside.  I like things to be matchy matchy sometimes.

This note was changed several times and when I finally printed it, it didn't really rhyme.
"I looked around and you were always the best teachers to be found."  The rhyming words are too far apart that it didn't sound as good as I could've made it.  But I printed it already and it was late so I left it as it was.  I'm sure you could come up with something better and maybe even more personal for each teacher.

I also put a Lindorf truffle bar in the bag because your should always give something sweet to your teachers!

I hope every kid, parent and teacher enjoyed this school year!


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