
Friday, May 29, 2015

Summer Adventures

Evelyn just finished school and we surprised her with a few things.
A giant cookie for her to dig into...

and a blank SUMMER ADVENTURES Poster!

What is a Summer Adventures Poster you ask?

So that we don't get board and Evelyn doesn't forget what she learned in school, we decided to make a Summer Adventure Poster that will have all the things we want to do this summer as a family.

It's a fun way to start off the summer and helps you see the next couples months laid out.  Sort of.  I thought about splitting it into June and July, one month on each side of the poster, or even making each side one giant calendar month, but I didn't want to set ourselves on such a tight schedule because that just isn't what Adventures are all about.  We did half of our list of fun things and the other half educational things, not to say those things wouldn't be fun either.

During the summer, both the girls have their birthdays, so much of the things on our list don't take a lot of planning and some only cost a little gas and/or food.  We don't have much money coming in, Tom is a full time student remember, so we made sure a lot of what we listed wouldn't cost much if nothing at all.  Summer isn't about crazy planned out vacations.  Vacationing is vacating your normal life and I don't know about you, but I don't regularly have a watermelon eating contest in the back yard.  Fun and letting go is what summer time is about.  Adventures!
For children, a watermelon contest is a grand adventure.

I also made us a "pocket version" of our list to keep with us.
Download the Summer Adventures List!
As you might be able to see, I changed a few things on your list from my personal one according to where I live as well as how close our families are to each other geographically.  I have specific museums I listed and I also have the Lexington on my list!

Change your list to your family and your area!

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