
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 1 With My Erin Condren Life Planner

I received many things for my planner from my family for my birthday.

My New Planning Supplies
You can see in this picture, that there are a lot of planning supplies that I was given.  There are two "Crown" pens, one is holding the washi tapes.  I don't know where most of this stuff came from but I love it all!

The coil clips from Erin Condren were also knew to my planning supplies.
I plan to also make DIY ones later but I wanted the official ones first.

These Are the Planning Supplies I Already Had

Smash Book scissors.  I've had these for a few years and I love them so much!  I have been carrying them in the diaper bag to have something safer than a pocket knife to cut things.  I might have to get another pair so I can keep one in the diaper bag and one with all my planner things.

Yoobi 8 Color Pen from Target.  I discovered this by accident.  I was just looking around the office supplies in Target, like I always do (huh, maybe not so accident), and I saw this pen.  Usually pens that have this many colors are a little pricy but this one wasn't!  

I already have some washi tape but it is all in storage so I am not able show it let alone use it.  :(

After putting on the new cover to my planner, 

I went to work!  Since it's only been one day, not much had really been done.
I moved my fancy  paper clips to my dashboard...

and made the legend for my color coding.

I use the, aforementioned, Yoobi multi colored pen in my planner to easily find who's doing what.
Black-everyday and me
Blue-birthday parties and anniversaries
Red-birthdays and marking my period days
Orange-church related actives
Green-Tom's stuff (green is his favorite color)
Purple-Evelyn's stuff
Pink-Raven's stuff

I used one of the three sample comment cards and the sample coil clip to make it.  That way I can move it from one month to the next.  This will be the second year I use this system and it's worked out nicely.

You see that little tab at the top of the page?

It says "This Month."  I use it to quickly go to the current month.

I put short versions of our plans on the month at a glance pages.

I usually use another tab for "This Week" but this planner comes with a clear book marker that can be changed around.  That is what I will use as my "This Week" marker.

I also used my little dot stickers to mark pay days.  You can also see here that I marked my 6th marriage anniversary!

I filled out my first Goal at the beginning of the planner.

This is the back cover.  I didn't get a close up before.

I marked out all the days that have past...
in the month...
and the weeks.

I did this weeks planning and once we get Evelyn's school schedule (holidays and special school days) I'll be able to fill out more planned days.

This is day one with my Life Planner!
Stay tuned for my post on 90 days of using my Life Planner!
(That should be on November 18, 2015, near a week before Thanksgiving!)
Don't worry, I'll have more between now and then.

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