
Friday, August 14, 2015

Why I Chose the Erin Condren Life Planner

I started planning, using a planner, when I was in 5th grade.  My parents started me on one because I couldn't always remember when I had homework, and even worse, what my homework was.

I have used a pocket sized and a Day One by FranklinCovey.  I've used a binder size and a simple 5x7 size.  I have always used the horizontal format until my sister in law showed me an awesome planner called "Mothers Who Know."  I love this planner!  If you are LDS (Mormon),  which I am, then this is so nice to have.  It has those little extras (FHE plans, visiting teaching info and more) that are so convenient but yet I only used them the first few months then it became wasted space.

Last year, in 2014, I was going to order my Mothers Who Know planner.  I usually don't use the same planner each year, so I looked up different planner reviews to see if anything else caught my eye.  I saw many different kinds; big, little, and odd, but the Erin Condren Life Planner really stuck with me because of the changeable covers.  I looked at all the different covers that were available and they all looked so pretty!  Then I looked inside, well as much inside as the website allowed, and I liked it.  It was very similar to what I planned on reordering which made me believe that I would enjoy using it.  I use academic planners, meaning that my year starts in August.  Erin's didn't allow for that, so...I reordered my "Mothers Who Know" planner without another thought.  I used the extras even less in this planner the second time around!

When June 2015 was coming, I looked at planners again, mainly the Erin Condren Life Planner.  This time you can chose your format; horizontal or vertical.  I was so excited!

As I had said, my year starts in August.  This is when the school year starts.  Even when I was no longer in school and before Evelyn or Tom was back in school, I preferred using an academic planner.  Erin Condren also gives you the option of adding in the remaining months of the year, making it my academic planner.

Even though I liked all of those things, there was still one thing I lacked; the money to pay for it.  So I looked on.  I bought a planner at Target.  Mint with gold embossed lettering and was a horizontal format.  Back to the old format that I so missed.  Or so I thought.  Though that planner was quite flattering, and under $20, it didn't function the way I wanted it to.  The format was all wrong.
I am a lister and I didn't realize how much easier a vertical format made my listing.  I have gotten better at my own "short hand," so having a clean long place to list was ideal as I had discovered.
The search was on for a new planner yet again (much by the way of Pinterest) and then...

I fell in love.

With this.

I am not a Potter Head.  Honestly, I am not.  Well, to those who truly are, I truly am not, but to those who have only seen the movies, I really seem to be.  A cousin of mine stared at me blankly when I spoke to her, assuming she'd read the books.  That was when I realized that I really seem like a geek to some people.  That just means I'm "in" right now.  Yay!  I haven't bought anything that screams Harry Potter since before the movies came out (the first movie came out in '01...I was in eight grade).  I was a little sad that Gryffindor was the only house, no Hufflepuff (I am a Hufflepuff indeed).  When I saw this cover; I knew this was the somewhat subtle Potter fandom that I wanted.  
Okay, now I'm sounding like a fangirl.

I had looked at the Erin Condren planners for about a year by that time.

Decisions needed to be made.

I took the plunge.

Into a deep well of planner bliss!

Well, so far it looks that way looking from my jumping point, but that will be a later post.

Why I chose an Erin Condren Life Planner

1 They give you options on your planner format; horizontal or vertical
2 You can add the remaining months of the year (for just an extra $5)
3 You can personalize it or get it ready to ship
4 The covers are interchangeable!
5 The inside didn't look like it was "trying too hard" (What I mean is that it didn't look like its purpose was to be sold a lot but to be loved a lot.  This was based on looking online.)
6 It didn't seem like I would waste pages that were in the planner; I would be able to use all of it regularly
7  I would also want to use this (based on what was seen online)
8 I really wanted the Harry Potter subway art cover

*This post was written before even receiving my Life Planner.  This is just why I chose to even purchase one.  Posts on receiving my planner and use of it will follow.

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