
Monday, February 29, 2016

Never Too Early: Planning for #3, Part 2

In the previous post to this, I showed a picture of my start of lists for Baby #3, but I made no mention of it.  This post will be about my start of baby preparation.

I always start with a notebook of some kind.  My dad has a box of composition books, so that is what was easiest for me.  My favorite notebooks have the spiral on top, but these are second best.

This is my Baby #3 Planning Composition Book

It's nothing fancy, and I don't indent to make it fancy.  I picked the simple dot print to remind myself that I need to keep things simplistic with this baby.
With Evelyn, I wanted it all, with the first, you usually do.  When Raven came around, there were still many things I wanted to try that I had learned about after Evelyn.  Now that I am preparing for #3, I know what I like best since I've tried most things.
I know that I love carrying baby in a carrier, I prefer this over strollers.  I love that I finally have a jogging stroller!  I like kids in jeans, they are the cutest thing ever on little kids.  Dresses with pockets are the best for a girl toddler and I will breast feed again.  I always want to use a wipes warmer for at least the first three months of Baby's life, and white crib sheets are the best and easiest.
There are other things I have learned over the years of being Mama, and my lists are what that is all about.

My first list is "What We Have."

I am still adding to this as I remember what we have stored.
When my sister in law had her last kid, she gave me all her cloth diapers and slings.  I have yet to use a sling carrier, but I still use the mei tai and soft backpack style she had already given me, all the time.  One of which she made herself!

My second list is "Want/Need to Get."

Later, this list will be split up and details will be give for each item.  I give myself reasons, so when I look back later, I can determine if the need or want is worth it.  Stepping back and coming again can give a fresh perspective, or at least, a better one.  While I have "want" and "need" together, I mark them with a "W" or "N."

Next list is "Things To Do."
I will not be sharing this list!

I have a few surprises on it for you to see in the future.  
I don't like ruining surprises.
This list also includes things that need to be done with the girls to get them ready for baby.  Raven getting into a big girl bed and Evelyn getting used to the top bunk, are a few things on the list for the big sisters.

What have you done to get ready for baby?  I always love learning how others prepare for baby!  Hope to hear from y'all soon!

*Wait for an upcoming printable version of my baby list!  It will have just the basics and a few extras for happier mamas and babies!

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