
Thursday, September 21, 2017

100th Post

These past couple weeks, I've been thinking about what I wanted my 100th post to be about.  I had a few drafts to think about, but I wasn't sure of any of them.
Then today, I started to print up Family Home Evening lessons, and I decided to make the girls General Conference booklets then realized that would be a perfect way to celebrate my 100th post!

I tried making something like this last year, but my printer wouldn't stop acting funny when you would ask for multiple prints.  I don't know how it fixed itself, but I'm glad it had.  This time around, I didn't make them myself, I just used pages from ones others have made.

I had been printing up FHE lessons from A Year of FHE, and decided to click through the different subjects off on the right.  I clicked on General Conf. and found a treasure trove.

These are the links I used for the little notebooks I made the girls:

There was one or two more, but I can't seem to find where they were.

I printed them with two to a page, made a cover page, and cut them all in half.  I used a three hole punch, using only the top two, to make the holes.  Using colored twine from the Dollar Tree, I looped around twice and used a square knot.

I tried to make them simple and pages that involve a lot of coloring since Raven is only 3.  For Evelyn, she had an additional page for writing since she's older.

I also found an article about Paper Clips.  I liked it.  A couple of weeks from General Conference, you need to prepare.  Think about your life right now, good things, bad things, things you want to happen.  Write these down, pray for you to find answers to them and watch General Conference.
It's amazing how the same talks help so many people in different ways.  And in years after, the revelation received is different still.

If you have a journal, get ready for another amazing General Conference!  If you don't have a journal, you still have some time to find a notebook to beautify for note taking at another amazing General Conference!
If you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I encourage you to watch General Conference.  You can watch it on, or the BYU channel.  It will encourage you to draw closer to Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ.  In the very least, you can learn more about what Mormons believe in.

Hope y'all are havin' a great day!

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