As of March 1, 2018, I decided to redo my Personal Progress, as an adult.

Sometimes you have to adjust a few value experiences as an adult.

Sometimes you have to adjust a few value experiences as an adult.
An example: Good Works Value Experience #2; "Service is an essential principle of family living. Help plan your family's menus, obtain the food, and prepare part of the meals for two weeks. During that time help your family gather to share mealtimes. Report to your class what you have learned."
I adjusted it to read: "Help your kids help plan your family's menu, help them find food in stores, and help them prepare part of the meals for two weeks."
I am an adult, wife, and mother, so I've planned meals every week for years. When I was a Young Women, I used my usual everyday things I did to sign off on values, and as a youth that's not so bad because you want to build on the good habits you have, build new good ones, and have them all continue with you into adulthood as you begin to start your own family. As an adult doing Personal Progress over, I decided to do what I don't usually do. I needed this to be a challenge for me, otherwise I would make no progress. Many things I do are habits I learned because Personal Progress forced me to ask questions and to make menus, so I wanted Personal Progress to do the same again; teach me new things and form new and better habits that will continue in my adulthood.
Teaching my children is almost everything I need to do in my life right now.
I am an example to them daily, but I also need to take time to teach them how to take care of themselves and each other. Teaching kids about meal preparation and making is a great way to help them know how to take care of themselves in the future. Luckily, my kids are still very young, so I still have several years to teach them these things.
In this particular value experience, it says to report to your class what you have learned. Now, if you are not a leader in Young Women, this could possibly be awkward to bring up in Relief Society, but remember, part of Personal Progress is also a way for you to expand your testimony. A great way to share your testimony with others is by including them in your value experiences.
Many value experiences, if not all of them, tell you to discuss with a parent or leader, and though I live in very close proximity to my mama, I have passed that stage in my life where I involve my parents in every aspect of my life. My husband takes that role now. He is whom I confined in and discuss my value experiences with. If you don't have a husband, and you feel a little nervous about talking to all of Relief Society at an activity, talk to your home teacher, or minister-er; I'm not sure yet what our titles are with the changes. They will be happy to help you. If you don't have ones that come regularly to you, as that happens, talk to the Young Women leaders, talk with your visiting teachers, talk with the Relief Society leaders, or even talk with non-member friends--I think the point is simply that you share your feels and findings. When you say what you have come to understand out loud, that often confirms it, solidifies it, and helps you to know that you truly believe and know it.
The Faith in God for Girls program helps to prepare you for Personal Progress, which helps you build habits that will help you be a woman whom has a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and lead you to them by your temple ordinances, good works, faith, and endurance.
Personal Progress helps you to build the habits of scripture study, personal prayer, pondering, menu planning, budget setting, and the expansion of your talents. All these are essential to you reaching your potential as a daughter of Heavenly Father, no matter your age.
Whether you are a Beehive, a sophomore in university, a forty year old mama, or an eighty year old great-grandma, Personal Progress will help you draw closer to Heavenly Father, have a greater appreciation of Jesus Christ's atonement, and help you understand your callings in your life.
I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ for I have experienced this myself.
Love y'all.
In this particular value experience, it says to report to your class what you have learned. Now, if you are not a leader in Young Women, this could possibly be awkward to bring up in Relief Society, but remember, part of Personal Progress is also a way for you to expand your testimony. A great way to share your testimony with others is by including them in your value experiences.
Many value experiences, if not all of them, tell you to discuss with a parent or leader, and though I live in very close proximity to my mama, I have passed that stage in my life where I involve my parents in every aspect of my life. My husband takes that role now. He is whom I confined in and discuss my value experiences with. If you don't have a husband, and you feel a little nervous about talking to all of Relief Society at an activity, talk to your home teacher, or minister-er; I'm not sure yet what our titles are with the changes. They will be happy to help you. If you don't have ones that come regularly to you, as that happens, talk to the Young Women leaders, talk with your visiting teachers, talk with the Relief Society leaders, or even talk with non-member friends--I think the point is simply that you share your feels and findings. When you say what you have come to understand out loud, that often confirms it, solidifies it, and helps you to know that you truly believe and know it.
The Faith in God for Girls program helps to prepare you for Personal Progress, which helps you build habits that will help you be a woman whom has a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and lead you to them by your temple ordinances, good works, faith, and endurance.
Personal Progress helps you to build the habits of scripture study, personal prayer, pondering, menu planning, budget setting, and the expansion of your talents. All these are essential to you reaching your potential as a daughter of Heavenly Father, no matter your age.
Whether you are a Beehive, a sophomore in university, a forty year old mama, or an eighty year old great-grandma, Personal Progress will help you draw closer to Heavenly Father, have a greater appreciation of Jesus Christ's atonement, and help you understand your callings in your life.
I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ for I have experienced this myself.
Love y'all.
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