Friday, August 14, 2015

Independence Day Traditions

I was looking through my drafts and look what I found!  This post!
It may be late but...

Happy Independence Day!

A tradition for every holiday, that my family has, is trying to spend time with as much of the family as we can.  Growing up I had two Easters, two Thanksgivings and two Christmas' and now that the grandchildren (my generation) have grown and most are married, many with kids, we sometimes have holidays three times.

Independence Day is rarely celebrated twice each year in my family but we do try to get all the family in one place.  Since my grandma died in 2005, we spend more holidays with my grandpa, especially since he now lives at a ranch.  4th of July and New Years Eve are ideal at his ranch since we don't have to worry about city limits and there is a little pond where we always shoot off the fireworks.  My mother's side of the family tries to attend those "firework holidays" at my grandpa's ranch also, again, trying to get as much family together as we can.

Family has always been important to us.  Our heritage demands it.  To start, my family line comes from Mexico.  Mexicans are BIG on family.  Mothers raising children and feeding the family.  Men barbecuing and sitting around outside.  Or in the living room watching football.  That football part might be Texan thing.  That leads me to being Texan.  More about family.  That Southern Comfort that says family is everything and you do everything for family.  Gathering around and taking the family to your local high school football game on Friday nights and grabbing some Whataburger after.  Then also, I am a Mormon.  Family gathering is what so much of it is all about.  Families together forever.  Family ties made from the beginning to the end.  My whole life, it's always surrounded me; FAMILY.

I think that is what tradition is all about:

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