
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Family Traditions

November 5, 2012
Family Traditions
Some family traditions are fading as we get older, as the cousins grow and have their own children, when aunts become Nanas and uncles become Papas.  Everyone splits off and goes with their “own” family.  It makes me sad and miss those times when we would all gather at my grandma’s house, all of us so young and all of us so happy.  Happy didn’t change, just who is around did.  Some things about our families haven’t changed.  My mom is the youngest of six; only one of those is a boy.  So there are five sisters that mostly have the same taste in décor.  So the family tradition that I was thinking about tonight as I cleaned off the kitchen counter was…Christmas cookie jars.  On my mother’s side, you either have a tree cookie jar or a gingerbread house cookie jar.  Most of the sisters have both and sometimes both will be out in the same house.  The first Christmas we had as a married couple, my mom gave me a gingerbread house cookie jar. 

I’m pretty sure that my aunt did the same thing with my cousin.
Other End of the Year Holiday Traditions
·         For Halloween we attend our church’s Halloween Party
·         My mom makes special Halloween baggies for all her nieces’ and nephews’ kids
·         Thanksgiving has been spent at my grandpa’s ranch since when most of the cousins started having kids
·         Christmas Eve is spent at my parents and Christmas Day is spent at my grandpa’s ranch
·         Ever since I can remember we would go look at Christmas lights and it’s a tradition that we continue now as a new family
·         We always go to our church’s Christmas party to see Santa (Something that I thought was so awesome was that the man who played Santa at church for my first Christmas was the same man who was Santa at Evelyn’s first Christmas and being that our birthdays are only 7 days apart, we were almost the exact same age for our first picture with Santa.  Of course, Evelyn having her father’s height is so much bigger than I was at the same time of year for everything.)
·         Growing up, we were allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve night before going to bed but it just couldn’t be our “main gift.”  I think that is something that we plan on doing as well
·         My mother in law made stockings for all her kids, and eventually her grandkid, that have traditional looking German doll girls (for the girls) and traditional looking German tin soldiers (for the boys)
·         Tom’s family always had that countdown to Christmas felt Christmas tree where you would add a different ornament each day, starting on the 1st, ending on Christmas Eve with the star on top of the tree (Kathy made us one on Evelyn’s first Christmas as well as German girl stockings for the two of us, Tom already had one of course)
I love traditions.  When I was younger, I didn’t think that my family had many traditions, we never called them traditions; we just did them all the time.  Which I know that makes them traditions, now I know that.  As a child, if someone doesn’t tell you what something is then you don’t easily put 4 and 4 together.

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