
Friday, November 16, 2012

Evelyn Update...

November 5, 2012

        I’m just making a note of things that Evelyn has been doing.  Evelyn has been able to tell us when she is hungry, though it comes out sounding like, “I’m hunky!”  It’s so adorable.  She is saying, “I love you” so much clearer now, she tells us “Sorry” when she knows she did wrong and will tell us, “No,” clearly when she wants us to stop tickling her or other things like that.  My parents gave her a retro Radio Flyer tricycle for her birthday at the end of the summer and Evelyn has been getting better at learning to ride it.  Her feet can mostly reach, she still scoots around with it which makes me wish that we did get her a ride along toy when she was younger instead of some other toys we picked instead.  Oh well, for the next one we know, especially if the next child we have is a boy.  If he will be anything like his dad or uncles, then he will always be outside.  Evelyn has started to like running around outside much more.  Before she didn’t like running around outside, she only liked standing in one spot looking at everything or drawing with sidewalk chalk.  She has become braver and will plow through the high grass without care.  It is so cute, but living out in the country it can be scary for a parent to have your child not be afraid to go through any tall grass (because of the snakes for example).
        Since we took the trip to Washington State and had Tom’s old iPhone with movies for Evelyn, she has wanted to watch movies on it almost all day.  I was able to get her to sleep in her bed one night because she was willing to sleep in her bed as long as she had her Toy movie.  It gets hard sometimes because she will stay up from her nap to watch a movie, so now we don’t let her have it to go to sleep.  So we have to find another way to get Evelyn to sleep in her bed all by herself.  Good luck to us!
        Every Sunday, we eat lunch at my parents then go to my grandpa’s ranch.  He has a lot of cows and Evelyn loves to go and look at them.  Right now I do Wednesday activities for girls ages 8-11 at church and so does my mom, so most every Wednesday we go to her house after.  Evelyn says, “Moo, moo!  Cows Mamma cows!  Mamma I wanna see cows!  We see cows! COWS MOOOOO!!!!”  She now associates going to church with also seeing cows.  So adorable.  Growing up we always went to visit my grandparents on Sundays.  I’m glad that we continue doing that.
        Evelyn is growing so fast.  I am shocked sometimes at the things she says.  She doesn’t seem like she is only 2.5.  She sometimes sounds like she is 4 or 5.  When she’s upset about something she loses her words and everything comes out like a winey grunt.  We are trying to get her to talk out what she is feel and also to still be able to say what she wants even when she is upset.  It’s hard sometimes but raising a human being to be humane is a hard thing to do.  I love it so much though.  I’m so happy that we have her. 
        Even though I am so happy to have my baby girl, I’ve been wanting to have another baby lately.  I see so many baby boys right now.  I know that there is a little boy waiting for us but I just don’t know when he’s supposed to come.  Right now my husband’s job is not ideal in any way to have another child.  He works EMS so you can imagine that is not nice on the family.  For the whole month of September we prayed that if it was right for us to conceive that we would be able to during the month of October when we would be trying, if it wouldn’t be right then we would not be able to conceive during the month of October.  So October came and went and I started on the 1st of November.  It was a sad feeling, but then an instant relief came telling me that it just wasn’t the time.  We had also prayed for that; if it isn’t right that we conceive that we would also have a sense of peace knowing that it wasn’t the right time.  Yesterday I made a new plan.  We will conceive when Tom gets a better job.  He’s been working very hard for it and we have been praying hard for it as well as fasting for it.  We know that it will come soon, but how soon “soon” is, we are unsure.  It’s not as vague as I might be making it sound, I’m just being vague about it.  I feel, that is what we need to wait for to be able to have our next child.  With this new job will come a much more stable life financially.  We can get the really nice cloth diapers and Moses basket I’ve been wanting without having to scrap for money and worrying about if we can afford to buy Evelyn a new pair of shoes because she grew out another pair already.  This last January we bought Evelyn these really cute pink and white OP skater type shoes that she loved so much too.  She out grew them in just under a month and a half.  Luckily she is at an age where we can buy a size or two bigger on clothes and very easily tailor with a couple of straight stitches; unlike with smaller clothes.  Smaller clothes, to me, are annoying to tailor.  They are so small!  If I’m making something that small doesn’t bother me but tailoring is another story.  Plus, they out grow them so fast that getting just a few of each kind of outfits is just fine (casual tops, jeans, dresses, dress up tops, skirts, etc.)

So, everything has been going so great and is so fun with Evelyn!

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