
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Baby Showers

For the past four baby showers and 1st birthdays, I made things; three blankets and one carseat canopy.

Most recent was a blanket for a woman having her third child, a boy. 
Best picture I ended up getting

I went to high school with her and her husband.  We were all in JROTC together and me and April were also in band/marching band together.  They are a year or so younger than me.  Tom works with the husband also.  Tom had forgotten to tell me that they put up the baby shower invite at the station.  Luckily, I saw them at Wal-Mart the day before the shower.
"Hey!  You never said if you were coming to the baby shower or not," April said.
"What baby shower?" 
Yup.  That's how I found out.  So Evelyn and I went to see if there was any fabric/pattern I would like to use for a blanket.  Evelyn picked out a robot print.  I wanted to use orange fleece (April's favorite color) but gold was the closest I could get to it.  April was suprised to hear that I made it.
"You made it?  But I just told you about all this last night..."
"Yeah, I made it last night."
If you make blankets, to make a baby blanket, you know it doesn't take long.  I have been sewing since I was 12.  For Christmas I asked for a sewing machine, I still have it too!  So making the blanket wasn't a long process, 'specially since I have been making a lot lately.  I have fun with it too!
My cousin just had her third child, a little girl.  My aunt held a baby shower for her about a week and a half before she delievered.  I wanted to try to make a carseat canopy, so that's what I made her.
Cotton on one side.

Minky on the other.

Reversible makes it possible to add toys inside for the baby!
I made it reversible to make it more interesting and have a place for the toys.  I wanted to use white Minky for sure.  My cousins favorite colors are pink and black so that was a given too.  Turns out that they bought new covers for the carseat that were pink and black and she had wanted to also get a canopy to go with it so she got very excited about it.
Before that, my oldest cousin's youngest turned one.  It was a Toy Story themed birthday party.  I made a blanket.  I stitched a star in the center.
Not the best blanket I've made.  The fabric I used for the back was thick, fluffy and moved a lot.  I tried very hard to make it work.  It think that it turned out nicely but it was harder to work with.
The first blanket from the four recent sewing gifts was for my second oldest cousin's youngest boy at his 1st birthday party.
This blanket took so long.  I put batting between two cotton fabrics.  I kept doing it wrong.  Over and over and over again.  About the fourth time is when I got it right.  It was worth it.  It turned out better than I expected.  I stitched boarders to keep the fabric from moving.  The very middle square had a little extra stitching.  You can see it a bit in the picture.
I love to sew!  Have any tips from your experiences?  Please tell me about them!  I can use guidence to better my abilities.  I'm not that good.  Average I'd say, even though I've been sewing for so long.  I would like to get better.  Help me in anything sewing, please!
Thank you blogging world!

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