
Monday, September 9, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I wanted to talk about the picture I just put up for my profile.
Taken September 8, 2013
There are several things I want to talk about in this picture.  To start with, I wanted to have a profile pic that would show off my curly hair.  How can I be the Curly Texan without it?  It's all natural too!  When I was younger I didn't know how to keep them nice so I desperatly wanted straight hair.  I got my curly hair from both sides of my family, but my parents didn't have curly hair.  It skipped them.  They had uncles that had really curly hair like me, so they didn't really know what to do either.  I have learned through experience what to do with my curly hair and I am so gitty that I have them!  I recently got my hair cut, really short on the back, the girl needed help from another stylist on the back because it was curling so much and she need skinnier fingers to cut it.  The girl giving the extra help said, "Oh, do you know how many people want your curly hair?" she asked me as if I was only going to straighten my hair (yeah right...) and I said, "Yes I do.  I hear it all the time."  And I really do, and I like that something that God gave me that is special can be seen so easily.  Sometimes the gifts a person has can be over look by the person that has it because its something inside making it harder to find and easy to dismiss.
How to take care of Curly Hair:
1-Use hydrating shampoo: Use shampoo that is meant to hydrate hair.  You don't have to get shampoo for curly hair, just as long its made to hydrate.  If you don't put in hair products to style, shampoo only every other day.  Washing your curls everyday will dry them out causing frizz and your locks to seperate.  If you use hair products to style, wash your hair everyday otherwise it will get greasy.
2-Use conditioner: Anything to help hydrate.  Leave-in is good to use also.  Follow the instruction.  Too much can be really gross.
3-Styling products: You need these much of the time.  Use hair oil if you have regular to dry hair.  If you have oily hair then use moose to hold down frizz.  When putting in moose, gel, oil or anything like that, cover the ends first then the crown of your head.  If you start at the crown of your head when using oil, you will make your hair uneven, the crown will be very oily since that's where the oily-ness starts and with the moose, it will weigh down your hair or make it harder than the rest of your hair.  Never start at your hair line!  Not only will your hair get uneven and oily but so will your skin causing break outs.
Tip: Until your hair is dry, keep it off your face.  I would always break out on my cheeks and then I noticed that it would get worse after I cut my hair again and since then I have been very careful to keep the wet styling products off my face so I wouldn't break out anymore.
I have really short hair, but if you have long hair, when using styling products, start application as if you were making a ponytail at the base of your skull and work it down to the ends then do the crown of your head.  I used to have my hair reach down to my lower back, so I have experience with long curly hair too, I'm not pulling this part out of the air.  For my curls, medium hold has worked best for me with both long and short hair.  I like my curls to hold but not be crunchy.  If you use a blow dryer, please use products that will shield your hair from the heat.  Too much heat is one of the worst things for any hair. 
Different kinds of styling products: wax, moose, foam, gel, silk drops, hair oil, creams, pomades, hair spray (I don't like that for my curls because it makes them crunchy but give it a try for yours), heat shields, and hair glue...I'm sure there are more than that but those are ones I have tried.
4-Try everything!: Try from the $0.99 shampoo and conditioner up to the $25.00 bottle of shampoo and conditioner.  Save up money if you need to be able to try all these things, but don't be afraid to explore.  It will take time.  I have been trying different products since I was about 13, so I have over 10 years of trying new and old products and I am still finding better products than before.  It will take time.  You need to use each product at least two weeks before you really know how it effects your hair.  Buy the smaller bottle when trying to find what's best for you; you don't want to get the big bottle when the conditioner weighs your curls down and you try the shampoo without the conditioner and the shampoo dries your hair out.  Waste of money.  When I was younger the professional and the super cheap stuff would dry out my hair (I tried two or three brands for each), now its different, so as time passes, try new things also.  Explore to know what is best for your curls and remember it will take time to know what you like best.  Right now I am using Regis Enchanted line (it smells just like Victoria Secrect's Love Story and I like their heat shield!), before that I used Evercurl from L'oreal, before that Everclear, before that I can't remember, it might have been Clear.  I used Everclear when I first saw it and as soon as Evercurl came out I got that.  It worked better than the original.  Sometimes you will find a brand you like but the type is not the best.  Try different products from the same brand.  Companies make diffents products for a reason: to fit the needs of more people.  Keep a small notepad and pen in your bathroom and after using a product for at least two weeks, take notes of what products you used, the results and if you like those results.
My Ring
When my husband proposed, it wasn't really a proposal, we just said, "Okay, what date do we want?"  Sweet in a way, it had been two months or so since our first date.  The ring I got for our engagement was a perfect snug fit, as well as the wedding band, so when I become pregnant, they didn't fit me anymore.  I didn't loose the weight, still "working" on it, and Tom gained weight during my pregnancy also, so we got new wedding bands after Evelyn was born.  We went to James Avery.  A Texas love. 
Tom had wanted a hammered ring before, so that is what he got. 
Amore Band by James Avery.

I got the Claddagh ring.
The Claddagh ring symbolize giving ones heart to ones love.  My mother in law has a lot of Irish in her and her birthday is on St. Patrick's Day, so Tom likes things that are Irish and I always thought the Claddagh rings were romantic.
My Shawl
The shawl I am wearing in my picture was made by my sister in law for my birthday.  When Jer and Emma came in July for vacation, Rachel had a ball of red yarn that she had been working on everytime I saw her.  She even took it with us when we went bowling.  I asked her, "You've really been working on that, do you have a date deadline you're trying to make?"  It didn't even accure to me that it was for my birthday.  I got it just this last week.  She has four kids, three of which are home schooled the fourth is a year old...she had plenty of reasons why it took a while.  My favorite color is red, that's why she made it red.  The accent color of our living room is red too.
The Backround
What's in the backround?  Behind me in the picture you can see two things: a painting I made that says "Love" and a sign that says "Bless This Home" with faux glass knobs and large name tags hanging off each knob.
I painted that Love while watching Love Actually.  I can't remember when I did it but it had to be before 2007.
The "Bless This Home" sign I bought at Hobby Lobby at 60% off!  I cut out tags from scrapbooking paper and hung them with red ribbon.  They kept spinning and flipping around because they were so light, so I cut cardboard and glued them together to weigh them down.  Each tag has one of our names on it; Tom, Erica and Evelyn.
I like to be playful in my pictures, cheesy and totally young, yeah, but to me, curly hair means playful.  I've gotta show that!
(1,509 words, give or take a two, not including this or links)

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