
Friday, September 13, 2013

H-E-B Books

In Texas we have an awesome place called HEB.  It's a grocery store.  My mother worked in the bakery for 10 years and I worked there for 3.  It has sentimental value to me and the food is fresher than anywhere else in town.  They sell local food and Whataburger ketchup, Whataburger spicy ketchup, Whataburger mustard and Whataburger fries.  A while ago, our HEB put in a reading area for kids.  Most HEBs did this.  It has a colorful stage where HEBuddy comes to visit and special visitors (like the university football team) come to read to children.  Evelyn loves to stand on the stage and "read" and "conduct music."
But all this isn't what this post is about.  Something that HEB always tries to do is better the community.  They try to be a part of any community event and they strive to bring quality products to their costumers at value prices.  HEB has also been concerned with the children of our communities. In the HEB reading area you can find books for $1, $2, and $3.
HEB have printed books of their own that are only $1.
I have made it a tradition that everytime we shop at HEB, I buy Evelyn a new $1 HEB book.  Inside the cover you can read a mission statement (Note to parents) that talks about HEB wanting to not only nourish bodies of children with fresh food but also nourish their minds with easy to afford books.  Now all these books are for the younger children but I know that it is essential to build a love for books in children to better their future and in turn our own future, the parents' furture.
"How can you work with us to nourish the future?  Read 3.  Commit to reading three books a week to your child, and you'll improve the future.  We've committed to getting good books to you.  Now you can commit to making a difference.
A,B,C and 1, 2, 3
Reading is important for me,
It's easy and really fun,
And it's important for everyone,
I pledge to read 3 times
It help grow little minds"
Taken from "Note to parents" found inside each book
We have several books but I know we don't have all that HEB has put out and I know that not all of them that we do have are in the picture.
Titles in order they appear
The Lamb-a-roo
by Diana Kimpton and Rosalind Beardshaw
That Yucky Love Thing
by Michael Catchpool and Victoria Ball
Bunny Loves to Read
written by Peter Bently Illustrated by Deborah Melmon
Underpants Thunderpants
words by Peter Bently pictures by Deborah Meimon
My Favorite Food
by Tiziana and John Bendall-Brunello
Just One More Swim b
y Caroline Pitcher and Jenny Jones
Wide Awake Jake
Written by Rachel Elliot Illustraded by Karen Sapp
If Big Can...I Can.
By Beth Shoshan and Petra Brown
The Adventurers
Written by Rachel Elliot Illustraded by Valeria Docampo
The Cuddliest Cuddle in the World
by Sarah Nash and Baniel Howarth
These are not all that we have.  If you are like us, you have books in almost every room of the house.  HEB also had books that were about mother and son, father and son, father and daughter, mother and daughter, grandma and me, grandpa and me and a book for each letter of the alphabet.  We have "E" and "G" for "Evelyn" and "Ginnett."  I colored the girls hair on each page to be the color of Evelyn's hair.  If they still have them, I plan on getting the initial of each child's first name but as plans change I don't want to jump the gun and get an "A" when we might need a "B" for the next baby.  We did get the books about the parents and son because we are sure we will have a boy at some point.  We plan on have about six kids so I'm sure at least one will be a boy.  The way that it has worked for my father in law (twice) and 5 out of 6 children is that you have a girl first then all boys.  At least four boys next.
I'm not sure how HEB does this.  I have seen some books be around for months because they have restocked them and others I have not seen come back again.  The letter and parents and me books I have seen come back but with less on the shelf than when first brought to the shelves.  So if you see a new one, grab it before it's gone!
If you have an HEB near you, please, buy these books.  They are different stories with different illustrations, kids will not get tired of these books and they are only a dollar each.  Just don't get a soda from the vending machine at work that week, or skip on getting cookies and buy a couple of these books.
If you don't have an HEB near you, find books to read to your child.  There are many places you can go to find children's books; dollar stores, Wal-Mart, Target (look for specials), Half Price Books, Barnes and Noble sometimes has their books on sales (ones that have been beat up a bit can be a great deal and the inside has no damage, only the cover).  I'm sure there are places that have great deals on children's books in your area.
Read when you are pregnant, read anything.  You don't even have to read out loud if you don't feel comfortable doing that.  If you have the habit of reading before your child is born, your children will see that you enjoy reading and want to read just like Mommy and just like Daddy!  If you already have children, it's not too late to be a good example to them.
Children are never too old to see their parents be good examples.
Read to your children.  With books at a $1, you can't afford to skip out on giving the gift of reading to your child.  Any child.  It's become more common for couples to ask for a book with a message inside instead of a card at baby showers.  If you go with a $10 bill and change to HEB (or similar place) and buy 10 books for a baby with a new mommy and daddy, they will be extatic.
Build your childrens' library and encourage their love for reading now so that when they are in high school and have to read a book by the end of the week and give a ten page report on it, they won't see it as much of a bother.  At least to read the book they won't.  Can't say they would be happy about the report but I know that when I enjoy what I read, it's not hard to talk about it or write about it.  And what is writing if not speaking in type?
I will say one last time on this post...

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