
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

H-E-Buddy Training Pants Review

(Discloser: HEB did not pay me or ask me to do this review, I am doing this on my own accord.)
While Evelyn has potty trained, we have tried three different brands of training pants; Huggies (Pull-Ups), Pampers (Easy Ups) and H-E-B (H-E-Buddy Training Pants).
I will be doing a review, specifically, on the
H-E-Buddy Training Pants.
They come in two syles.
Butterflies & Race cars
Sizes 2T-3T, 3T-4T, and 4T-5T.
Evelyn prefers the blue ones, blue is her favorite color.  We were worried that they would not cover the appropriate areas but from what we can see and have experienced, the only difference between the blue training pants and the pink training pants is the outer design.  They absorb the same as Pull-Ups or Easy Ups but unlike Easy Ups, they have reclosable sides.  You can put a new training pant on your child without them needing to take off shoes and pants which is a great benefit when you are at a public restroom.
They also last just fine through the night.  If you put a fresh training pant on your child before bed (like you always should no matter the age of your child), there will be absolutly no worry about leaking as long as your child is at the potty training stage.  They don't absorb like regular diapers, of course, as no training pants do (though these seem close to it), so be sure to use them when your child is ready for them.
The H-E-Buddy Training Pants fit Evelyn nicely around her thighs and her waist.  Evelyn is a three year old that wears size 6 clothes, so many times, things that fit other children her age, will be too small on her (especially down here in South Texas, where we have a lot of Hispanic children, and we aren't the biggest and tallest children in the bunch), but these training pants fit her just fine.  The waist is not elastic, it's not puckered, so it is not trim fitted at the waist which may cause some problems for children who are lean but since the sides are reclosable so you can fit them to your child.  If you are not careful, and pull too roughly on the tabs, you can pull off the reclosable strip which then would make the training pant unusable.  I would say that every tenth package has one training pant that the reclosable strip comes off a bit easy making that one unusable but the price makes it worth it even if there were a defective one in every package (which there isn't).
At our local H-E-B, they are a dollar cheaper than the Easy Ups and you get the same amount of training pants in each package.  Example with real numbers:  The Easy Ups are $8.97 each and the
H-E-Buddy Training Pants are $7.97 each.
Overview of H-E-Buddy Training Pants
  • Comes in two designs
  • Comes in three different sizes
  • Neither is internally gender specific (so your tough girl can pick race cars or your bright color loving boy can pick butterflies)
  • Great absorbency
  • Reclosable sides
  • Fitted legs
  • Not fitted around the waist [but has the reclosable side making it easy to adjust]
  • Cheaper than name brand
I hope that this helped those who are interested in H-E-Buddy Training Pants.  I am all for buying
*H-E-B brand products, it saves me money and they are guaranteed to be the same or better than their name brand counter part.
Note: We tried Pull-Ups for only a short time. When Evelyn was first born we used only Huggies (including only Huggies wipes), they fit the best and she also didn't have any reaction to them. When she was about to turn two, for some unknown reason, she would get horribly red. We changed wipes and it lessened, then we changed from Huggies to Pampers and the redness completely vanished. We tried out the Pull-Ups to see it she still had the problem, she does so we didn't use them long at all so I don't know too much about the Pull-Ups in comparision to the
H-E-Buddy Training Pants.
*H-E-B brand products are not to be confused with Hill Country Fare brand products, which are also made by H-E-B, which are made to be affordable first, when the H-E-B brand is first made to be the same as or better than the name brand counter part then second to be more affordable than the name brand counter part.  There is another H-E-B brand, Central Market, which is the designer line of
H-E-B products, concentrating on quality only.  Good stuff in nice glass jars but is much more expensive, even more than name brand most of the time.

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