
Friday, October 4, 2013

It's been a Year

I just realized that I have had this blog for a year now (on September 21st) and I thought I should mark this occasion with an update on my family.
My husband, Tom, is getting a new, much better paying, job this month.  A friend of his started a new buisness and has clients already and has shown to be very promising.
Evelyn is in soccer but has yet to play since the game fields have fire ants and they aren't 100% sure they are all gone.  Recently a thirteen year old boy at football practice fell into a fire ant pile and died three days later.  The whole area around us are taking extra precautions this year because of that happening.  Evelyn is only three and at this age, she doesn't do practices, she only does "training" on Saturdays at the game fields then her group scrimages another group her age.  That's why she hasn't been able to play yet, expect in our yard.  Evelyn is in the middle (I wish it was the end) of potty-training and her big motivation is being ready to go to school.  We practice the alphabet, numbers, writing and drawing, even some "psychology."  I have faces each with different emotions and we talk about what we do when we feel that way and also what we can do for others when they feel that way.  Evelyn wanted to go to school this year but she isn't old enough yet, plus she needs to be potty-trained.  That is her great motivator.
We are still trying to have a second baby.  By Monday we should know if we are.  How do you wait for such a thing?  Since I was very young I knew I was meant to be a mother.  I've always wanted children, and lots of them.  We want to have six kids, four at least, but it is hard to see that number right now when we can't even get to Baby 2.0.  We've only been trying for five months and from my research, you don't need to go to a fertility doctor until you have consistantly been trying for a year.  Tom works a lot and we have a three year old so it is difficult to try as much as we should but with Evelyn, it took only one time.  It was also quite random.  One night after a football game we looked at each other and asked, "Should we?"  Let me translate that; "Should we try to have a baby now even though we said we wouldn't start trying to have a baby until a year of marriage so that we would have the first year as just us without getting ready for a baby or should we just throw all of that out the window?"  Yes, we threw it all out the window.  We wanted both really, us time and a baby, but we were very ready to have a baby to love so we tried once.  I think we wanted to see if we were really meant to have a baby already or not and then a month from that day, we got three positives using home pregnancy tests.  I read back on the journal I had at that time and it was very obvious that I was pregnant.  I was dizzy, tired, breast were tender, I didn't like food much and I was getting random headaches.  Right now I feel like I'm have pre-period aches but I am praying everyday that it is all baby-aches.
I prepare further aheah then when I need to; I'm a forgetful person so I do this to be sure nothing is over looked.  I have been planning the nursery, in detail, since we have started to try again.  We have names planned out, nothing concrete yet, mainly because we aren't pregnant yet (or maybe we are?), and we have general colors picked out for the nursery also; grey and yellow.  If it's a boy, more grey, if its a girl, more yellow.  Recently I've been thinking that I just need to find a nursery geared picture from Etsy and then make the nursery off of that.  I like the idea of grey and yellow (sunshine!), but...we will see.  Right now the nursery is Evelyn's room.  We need to move her to her new room before we can even decorate the nursery.
Evelyn's room is going to be Doc McStuffins from Disney Junior.  Mostly using teal, purple and just Doc bedding.  Doing that will make it easier for her to grow with her room; all we would need to do is get new bedding.
So my life is revolving around getting Evelyn ready for school next fall and getting ready for a baby that hasn't been concieved yet (or maybe...).  Plus Tom of course.  He is a big part.  Without him...we couldn't be a family.  I'm glad to have both of them in my life.

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