Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rescue Bot Birthday!

My first born, Evelyn, turned four this month!    She has grown so much!   Evelyn talks all the time.   There are two things that always surprises me about her: her size and her memory.  

Evelyn was almost nine pounds when she was born and she wore newborn size for about two weeks before the prints on her onesies were being over stretched.   She is only just four years old and she wears a size seven!   

Evelyn's memory astounds me!   Since she was born, Tom and I noticed that she remembered more than those around her age.   When she started talking she would remind us about things that happened weeks ago.   Just this week, we were driving into town and Evelyn was looking out the window and she said, "I forgot to eat my brownie at the baby shower."   She was thinking back to a week earlier when she was at my cousin's baby shower.  Not far back to remember but Evelyn does that when we drive; she looks out the window and just remembers.  Evelyn will usually call the past "yesterday."   She's started to say, "Remember when..." instead of, "Yesterday when..."

Evelyn's first birthday party's theme was "Sugar, Spice and Everything Pink."   We had it at my parents since we were still moving into the house we are in now.  We had all pink decor and cupcakes!   I made ice cream cones out of large Manila paper and pink paper lanterns and hung them over the food table.

Evelyn's second birthday party's theme was Hello Kitty in her red bow.   I was very adamant about Kitty being in her red bow. We have two DVDs of Hello Kitty, in one episode, she says her favorite color is red and that's why her ribbon (bow) is red.   I wanted to stick with the original.   This party was Evelyn's first water party also.   The colors ended up being red, white, and blue; red bow, white kitty (Kitty White is her name), and blue water.  That party
was at our house.  
Evelyn's third birthday party was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Remember from this post?

Evelyn's forth birthday party's theme was Rescue Bots!





A Transformer series designed for younger kids.  
Our whole family enjoys it!

I found and ordered the invitations but my parents are the ones who did this party.   We had discussed it before Raven was born, they would throw Evelyn's birthday party this year since Raven would be about a month old or so and I didn't know how I would be feeling.   It was another water party with a very large Optimus Prime piƱata!   We had to rip open the body ourselves and my older cousin broke the head because it was such a tough one.
Evelyn was so happy with her friends and cousins!   

(Pictures coming soon)
Raven was even dressed for the party!

I found the picture here, great artist!   I just printed the image onto this paper, and followed the instructions.
Ta da!   Super cutie Rescue Bot fan!

We all had fun!  Happy birthday Evelyn!  Mommy and Daddy are so happy you are with us and we are so happy that you have grown so much!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Does your family have something that is a family trademark?   Like an animal or maybe even a family crest or even that you have several pictures of bikes, like this one here, around the house because you and your hubby or wifey enjoy that together?   I've been trying to find something that when I look at it I will think, "That is me and Tom right there," or "That is the Ginnett family."

Do you have something like that?  

My adventure of finding it started when we became continues!

A Hospital Stay

Raven Lileas

Me after a shower in my recovery room less than 24 hrs after delivery.

Bundled up and snuggled.

Raven has Papa Clyde's  feet and monkey toes!

Tom and Raven in the nursery.

Our recovery room and large ribbon info.

Raven's Jaundice, Light Treatment.

Caught Raven smiling!

Grandpa and Raven

My contractions were five minutes apart so we left for the hospital. We arrived at about 1 am, Saturday, June 7th.   My water hadn't broke yet so we waited until morning.  I tried to sleep but my contractions strengthened so I couldn't until they gave me some pain killer.   The later morning came and still no water braking though I was dilated more.  I reached to 7 cm with no water broken.
  The doctor was going to do it himself.  So, in a very painful way, the doctor broke my water bag.

Then I hear, "Oh, no," from the doctor. 
The cord prolapsed.  
The doctor jumped on my hospital bed and held the baby as they rolled me to an OR.  Have something push out from there is painful, having someone have to hold something in there is near the same if not the same.
So I had an emergency C section.  I did a vaginal birth the first time and planned on doing the same this time around.   Sometimes things don't work out the way you birth plan.   

Post partum: spent two days unable to do anything but sit up to eat and feed Raven.  Raven had two missing heart beats and started to get jaundice.   She later did and received 24 hours of light treatment.
One day, they tested my blood, I was missing too much.  I wasn't filling up a pad enough to say it was being lost from there.  Had a CT scan and chest X-Ray.  No spots or clots to indicate internal bleeding.   They gave me two liters of blood.  By the next morning, I was missing more blood than they gave me.   That night, the started to give me two more liters.  Ten minutes into the first liter, my arm started to burn, I could hardly breath.  They stopped the blood immediately and said we would wait until morning to see if they would give me more blood.  In the morning, I had another CT scan and still nothing was found.  They didn't give me more blood. Later, on the phone, my mom told me she was talking to one of my dad's sisters and she said that she and my cousin had the same problem with each kid they had.   I felt fine.  Scans showed things were fine.   So it was left alone. 

My swelling was horrible.  I had to stay another two days for it.  Then an extra day after that because the nurse I had ran the clock on her shift when I was supposed to be released.   The doctor had gone home without leaving perscriptions for me since the nurse didn't let him know I was ready for them.  She was sweet, but seemed as if she didn't feel she needed or maybe couldn't do all the work she is supposed to do as a nurse.  My husband and mother in law are in the medical field so I do know what is expected and required, I'm not just saying this blindly.  She was an older woman.  Back to post partum. 
I was in the hospital for just over a week.  Raven was released before I was by about three days.  

This hospital experience was much different than the last.  This time, the nurses listened to me better.  I was more verbal about everything I felt.  I had a C-section.  I had a catheter (note: It maybe weird, but I liked not feeling the need to get up to go to the bathroom.  After five months of getting up twice a night to pee, it was a nice change.)  I had to receive blood.  Received three different IVs.  Had my first CT scan.   Had my first x-Ray that wasn't for dental work.   My baby was released before I was.   My baby had medical problems.

It was another adventure in 
the Land of Motherhood!

These Eyes, They Are A-Different

Of course, as any baby, Raven's eyes are changing color again.   When she was first born, her eyes were blue-grey.  They were for almost three weeks.  After then they started to turn green.  Then blue again.   Then green?    They would change with the colors she wore.   They have now become green with a ring of grey-blue on the outside.   They will have more of one color depending on what color she wears.   Even being just grey at times.   She has a swaddle that makes her eyes as grey as the elephant on them. 
Evelyn's eyes are like mine, dark brown.  Her eyes became their permenant color about when we left the hospital.   Raven's eyes have been indecisive. 
 A mini adventure I'd say.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Proud to be American, Proud to be Texan

Sometimes when you have a newborn, you go out for fast food at all hours of the night.   Tonight was such a night.  

We went to

As my husband and daughter went to get me my requested cinnamon bun, I sat, looking at a window cling that read


I sat, thinking of what has been happening with Mexico and USA boarders.   I am happy to be an American of the United States, but I have become saddened by the simplistic fact that our constitution is being broken by those who are meant to uphold its resolve the best and the most.
Texas is known for being gun totin' type.  I remember a report of a purse thief, whom had dragged the women to take it, was stopped by a person who was concealing.    I pray for the safety of those who serve at our boarders and I also pray that our governor, Rick Perry, will not be afraid to protect us and do what is right.   

Say a prayer for those who, are not only protecting us over seas, but also those who protect us close to home at our boarders.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Grey Eyes

Raven's eyes are grey.  I spent a long time trying to get a good picture to show them but every picture just looked fake.  Her eyes really are that grey color though.  