
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A Look Inside the Erin Condren Planner

So Monday rolled by, August 17th, and I waited for my planner.  Nothing.  Turns out the date they gave me meant that's when it would leave the warehouse.  Today, August 19th, it came!
I ordered the ready ship with the rest of the year and also one set of coil clips.  It took ten days, from the day I ordered, to the time it shipped.  Then just two days for actual shipping.  I have been waiting for this day for a long time!

This year, my birthday presents were all about new beginnings.  My sister in law and Tom, my hubby, bought me things for my planner, my mother in law bought me my new covers and my brother paid for most of my planner.  He told me, "Okay, I'm going to buy you something but it can't be more than $50."  We were shopping around when he told me this.  Looked at HomeGoods.  Nothin'.  Looked at Hobby Lobby.  Nothin'.  World Market.  Nothin'.  So I told him that he could just give me the fifty bucks and I would put that towards my planner.  At first he said no, then he couldn't think of anything to get me, so he agreed.  My parents didn't get me planner stuff, but they gave me a gift card to Cato.  I bought three tops for myself and two for Evelyn.  Then my mom went and bought a shirt I had on hold that I was going to have to wait until payday for.  Also, within the past two months, my mom bought me three new pairs of pants.  NEW WARDROBE!!!  I love it!

Back to the Erin Condren Life Planner!
I am so excited about this!  If you are thinking about getting an Erin Condren Life Planner, use this link to get $10 off your first purchase!  (psst!this covers shipping to most places! yay free shipping!)

Let's take a look!

I will tell my story!
(You're lucky I didn't say song!)

Evelyn came in yelling, "Guess what came Mama?!"

The Erin Condren Life Planner Box (with my Whataburger cup in the back.  So Texas!).

My first look inside.

Stickers, a postcard and my cover voucher.
(I already know which I'll get)

It's wrapped!  I'm getting excited!

Ah!  There it is with my coil clips!


First look inside my new Life Planner!

(I put hearts around our marriage anniversary!)
First pages before the months start.

It started in July, but since we are in August, I started with that.  This is the cover to August.  Each month is different.

What the vertical format looks like.
(Update: I'm on day 2 of using the planner and I checked it this morning, like I always do, and I noticed something.  The week starts on Monday.  I don't see why you would do that when your month starts the week on Sunday.  Be aware of this when you first start planning.  I had to scratch out my plans and put them a day over.  Luckily I caught it before I showed up to something a day late.)

This planner goes all the way to December 2016!

Different kinds of note pages in the back.

A glance at 2017!  Whoa, 2017.  I remember writing 1998 on my papers at school.

Birthday stickers with one "vote" sticker.  Ready for new presidential elections!

Everyday stickers.

Two pages of blank stickers in such pretty colors!

The back pocket with the perpetual calendar.

This little book is to keep all important dates and a few contacts and a few passwords in the very back of it.

The clear pouch for stickers and such.  I wish this was removable, like the covers, so that I could move it around the planner.  It's soft and pliable and opens and closes easily.

Back cover.

That's everything, front to back!

Super awesome things and my planner!

As you can see, nothing has been done.  I hadn't even written my name in the front yet.
In this post, I show just about every page of the Life Planner.  I, of course, didn't take a picture of every month or every week.  They are all the same in a rainbow of colors.  When I looked around the internet about the Erin Condren planner, I didn't find any posts that showed everything and if it did, it didn't tell me that it did.  So here!  I am trying to show you everything about this planner so that you can make a better informed decision.  If there is something I missed that you want to see, leave a comment and I will help as quick as I can!

To see how my Harry Potter Subway Art cover turned out, check out this post.  For posts about the things I have for my planner, and the first things I did with my Erin Condren Life Planner, stay tuned!

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