
Sunday, September 20, 2015

School Starts...

This year, we started even later than last getting all our school supplies!  Tom just started a new job and that made somethings delayed.

Evelyn starts her second year of school; Kindergarten!
She is excited and a little worried as she always does, but we got the teacher we requested and she will also have two friends that she was close with in this class again.  There are several of the same kids in her Kinder class.  Same uniform and even more supplies to buy this year.  We have all her shirts and just one bottom so far.  My mom works at the same school so she was very excited (again) and bought all her shirts very quickly.

Tom is started his second year of premed and he, of course, is stressed.  New job and a new year of school is a lot to take on.  Plus having a wife and two kids five and under.

It's going to be another year full of adventures!

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