
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Day 90

Yesterday was day 90 with my Erin Condren Life Planner and Small Box of Treasures cover.
I missed recording day 60, but really, I don't think it matters considering the condition it is in on day 90.

Last post about my planner, I said that I would start to carry the planner with me.  That quickly changed to being that I would carry it with me to place that I might or knew I would need it.  I carry it to church or other meetings that I know I will need to write down dates.  I don't carry it during any kind of shopping.  I did that for one trip and it was just too heavy for going around for the day.  That's always the down side of having a full size paper planner, but that is not enough for me to give up old fashion paper.  Who knew that paper would become something old fashioned?  I suppose Gates and Jobs?

Very few things have changed about the way I use my planner since last post.

One of the things that has changed is my writing utensil(s).  It went from one multi pen to the Paper Mate Flair in ultra fine from Walmart.  It may seem counter productive to get more pens, but when I occasionally use washi tape, I like to write things on them and regular ball point doesn't work.  Therefore, the need of felt tip arose!

First, about the picture above, I want to say, Yes, I know "yesterday" is misspelled.  I'm sorry.  That is one of those words I always get wrong.  That and sandwich.  I usually spell it "sandwhich."  But that is getting too off topic!
I now use the back pocket more.  This year I have been trying to send a birthday card to everyone in the family that I have birthday info for.  This includes all uncles and aunts, cousins, and their kids.  I don't have all of my husband's extended family info still, but they are spread out, so it's kind of hard to get everyones info when needed.  I keep my perpetual calendar with the soon-to-mail-out birthday cards.  The perpetual calendar comes with every planner and it houses all important dates, therefore letting you easily move to your next calendar when the new year starts.

I also started to hold my stamps in the clear zipper pocket in the very back of the planner.
My planner was a ready to ship kind, and I got a voucher for a free cover to personalize later.  I didn't realize that it had an expiration date, so I wasn't able to use this voucher.  I was so upset with myself for doing that, I had one all picked out and everything.  What seemed worse is that I could've written down the expiration date in the planner the voucher was for.  Don't you just hate that?

The planner cover is holding up just the same.  It all looks the same and has stood up to some times being in a diaper bag with an almost 18 month old and a five year old going in and out of the bag for things and also it occasionally being pulled off the table and dragged on the floor by a curious little one.  Saying that, the cover looks new still!

Disclosure: This post was NOT sponsored by anyone.  All opinions and observations are mine.

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