
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Links for My Baby List

*my link for the printable wasn't functioning, sorry for that.  I will try my best to get it going!

These are links to what I use myself, or close to what I have.  Some of the things I have for Baby, I've had them since we planned for Evelyn, back in 2010.  I was happy to see that many of those products are still the same, just with new colors; lets me know I did my research right and found proper products for my baby.
We plan for baby on a student budget.  Much of what we buy is the cheaper of things.  The more expensive items that we have, we had saved for, we were gifted them, or we found them on Craigslist.


On the Go

Bath Time


Other Things
  • 1-baby indoor swing, don't think you have the space?  Check out this one!
  • 1-pack n' play, not what I have, but since I got mine at a used baby store, I don't have the extras and I looks like this.  Surprisingly, cheaper than I thought, but, still got mine cheaper.
  • 1-baby seat, not a need at all, but when I was pregnant with Evelyn, I wanted it.  I bought mine at a hometown store downtown, one I had seen a long time and was determined I would get it when I'd become a mother.  It was all sentiment for me, and totally not a need.
  • 2-teethers, simple or not (don't have this but look how cute!)
  • 1-album/baby book (to record baby events), this, or if you're LDS, or if you just want photos
  • numbers of family and friend that will help keep you sane
  • 1-humidifier, haven't used it yet but I should
  • baby toothbrush, the one I'm using on Raven (#2) and these for Evelyn (#1)
  • teething gel, this is what we used with Raven, just don't get it mixed up with Neosporin, we didn't ever do that, but they look very similar when you have it in a first aid kit.
  • health kit, we have an older one of this, ours didn't come with the mitt or spay bottle
  • thermometer, for the ear, I think this is the newest version of ours.  We bought ours when we were about to have Evelyn in 2010, still works perfectly.
  • baby Tylenol, sometimes babies just hurt, this can help them sleep better if their teeth are bothering them, or anything else.  We used this as a last resort when we couldn't get Raven to sleep while teething, it helped the house sleep for sure.

(don't take off tags until they wear it)


Several things I have, I bought them used, or I had them handed down.  I'm fine doing that with a stroller or high chair, but I would never do that with a car seat.  Never buy a used car seat.  You don't know what it's been through, and even if you know those giving it to you well, it's best not to take the chance.  You don't want to get into a wreak and always wonder if it'd have been better if you had a new car seat instead.

When buying used things, check the joints, corners, check the plastic for stress marks, check the metal for rust and/or dents, and always wash what you can before using it.

When buying for baby, think safety first.  Don't just buy something because it's a fad or because you think it'd look cool in your living room.

Did I leave anything out?  Remember, I've only had girls, tell me what would be added to the list for a baby boy.

Hope y'all enjoyed this very long list of everything for Baby!
Like to hear from y'all soon!

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