
Friday, May 13, 2016

My Top 5 Most Satisfying Raven's Mama Moments

As a Mother's Day Special, even though I'm late, what better way to celebrate,
than to think of what great moments I've had as a Mama.
This post is all about my favorite Mama moments with Raven,
my second born and second daughter.

When I was pregnant with Raven, before we knew she was a girl, I was hoping that Evelyn would have a sister.  I didn't pray for it, it felt selfish to me; I wanted Evelyn to have a sister because I never was able to, but Evelyn did end up with a sister.  It makes me so happy to know that they are mine, and I get to keep them forever.

When Raven's First Word Was "Evelyn"
This is not an exaggeration.  Raven's first word was "Evelyn."  We know for sure that is exactly what she was saying, because she was watching the hall, looking down to sister's room, and calling her name.  Evelyn was in her room playing, Raven could hear her, and she called out to her.  Two out of two of my kid's have not said Mama first.  I'll take it.

When Raven First Kicked the Soccer Ball
Evelyn loves soccer, so the three of us were outside to kick the ball around, and I took Raven's leg, a few times, and had her kick the ball.  She seemed a little afraid to try herself, but she was amazed at what she was doing.  The next day, inside, she kicked the ball.  A real kick.  She was 19 months and she kicked a soccer ball.  Raven even tried to use her toe to pull back the ball from her "opponent."  She is surprisingly skilled at many things.

When She Forces Me to Hug and Kiss Her
That does sound strange, but at the moment, she is sleeping in our bed, and she usually falls asleep in my arms.  Sometimes,  she will force me to keep both arms tightly around her.  I'm not even allowed to scratch my nose.  Raven is very insistent sometimes.  This feels extra special to me, because, when Evelyn was little, I was least preferred, all the time.  With Raven, I'm usually the preferred one.  It's nice.  She also will grab my face and force me to kiss her cheeks.  I, of course, attack her with kisses, but sometimes, I can't breath with her squishy cheeks.

When Raven Insists She Clean
Raven loves to clean.  I will give her a paper towel when she is upset and tell her she gets to clean, and she rushes off to wipe things down.  This is actually something both girls do/did, and they inherited this trait from me.  You may have read in previous posts, when I was younger, much younger, my older cousins would lead me to their rooms, when I'd visit, so I would clean it.  Growing up, when I would get board, I'd clean, reorganize, and rearrange.  It's a good feeling to see your kid pick up your good habits.

The Way Raven Hugs and Kisses Her Babies
She pulls them in so tightly and kisses them as if they are the first and only dolls she has ever received.  This is after playing with it, too.  Raven will do this to all doll babies and stuffed animals, well, almost anything she can hold, she will do this to.  She attacks food in much the same manner.

Raven's list was a little harder to make since she hasn't been here that long, she's not even two yet, but there are still amazing moments I had to move around to find the perfect ones.

Happy Mother's Day!


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