
Friday, May 13, 2016

My Top 5 Most Satisfying Evelyn's Mama Moments

As a Mother's Day Special, I thought, what better way to celebrate,
than to think of what great moments I've had as a Mama.
This post is all about my favorite Mama moments with Evelyn,
my first born and first daughter.

I've had many, and it's a never ending list of things that make me smile as a mama, but these moments are the ones that stand out to me the most.  It did take a while to add them all up, and narrow them down, but I'm glad to share my Top 5 Most Satisfying Evelyn's Mama Moments.

When Evelyn Stood Like Daddy
When Evelyn was almost three, she suddenly started copying how Tom stood; hands on hips, weight on right leg, causing his left to stick out.   
When Evelyn started to mimic Tom's stance, she would put hands to hips, stick out her belly and, very deliberately, step out her left foot.  My husband's body is slender with a belly, so to Evelyn, it looked as if he were pushing out his belly.  She left out not a detail!
It took us a few times to realize what she was doing, my brother noticed it first, and eventually, we just needed to ask, "How does Daddy stand?" and she would immediately do her mimicking stance.

When Evelyn Says She'll Help Raven
Okay, so this covers a lot of times, but it's specific times when Evelyn tells me, "It's okay Mama, I'll help Raven know what to do."  I'm tearing just hearing her little voice in my mind.  It makes you feel wonderful when your hear your child repeat your words in their own.

When Evelyn Said She Wanted to Learn French
This is not something I've mentioned, don't want to jinx it and I didn't plan to blog about it, but I have a goal to learn Spanish and French by the time I am thirty.  My husband knows Spanish already, and my father's parents were from Mexico until they migrated.  My father was the first in his family to be born in the States.  I am the only one, now, in my family that doesn't know Spanish.  We have been listening to French songs to familiarize ourself with it, and Evelyn has a favorite already, Pappoutai by Stroame.  She asks for it all the time.  She told me that she wanted to hear it more, the "Daddy where are you song," so she could learn French and we could all learn it and talk it together.  She tries her best to sing what she can from what she can hear, and what we help her with.  It makes me feel amazing when I learn that my kid(s) want to learn more, and learn something many American children might not even think about.

When Evelyn Talked About Killing the Deer to Eat It
I am sorry to anyone that thinks killing animals is horrible, but I live in Texas and we like our guns, we like our meat, and we don't mind using the first to get the second.  I don't remember the conversation, how it started, but Evelyn was four, and she said that if she saw a deer, she would shoot it, and then we'd take off the skin, and then we could eat all the meat.  We are not a hunting family.  We don't do that regularly, in fact, I've never hunted, only target shooting.  I'm not sure if she heard it from us, or from my extended family, but I knew I was raising a Texan when she said that with such a happy voice.

When Evelyn Said Why She'd Be in Slytherin House
Harry Potter has been a part of my life for the last 15 years, and I don't see it leaving in the future.  It was the first series I ever read and is one of the few that my husband has read.  If you're a Potter nerd like me, you know what house you are in, and if you have young kids, you wonder what house they will be in.  My husband, Tom, is a Slytherin, and I am a Gryffindor.  I bought Evelyn a Gryffindor shirt from the junior section at Walmart for $3.  One day, I was trying to get her to wear it again, she had stopped, and she said she would only wear it when watching Harry Potter.  Tom said something, and I looked at Evelyn and said, "Don't worry, he's a Slytherin."  Evelyn asked what a Slytherin was.  I told her they are cunning and clever, and always find a way to do anything.  She then she said, "I would be in Slytherin because, because I'm slen-skinny.  I'm skinny so I'd be in Slytherin."  Tom looked to me, "That's as good enough reason as any."

It's been, almost a six year journey, and I am very happy to be Mama.
I look forward to more little voices calling me that!

Happy Mother's Day!


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