
Saturday, March 10, 2018

Girl Scout Camp Training

(I just saw that I hadn't posted this and I am so sorry!  It's been ready to go for months, as I did this Camp Training late last Fall, and I can't believe it's not out there for y'all to laugh about.  I love camping!  My co-leader on the other hand...)

As a teen, I camped every summer with our church youth organization; Young Women.  I always loved it.
When I became a mother, I wasn't sure if I still would, until we took this trip, and I know now that I like camping no matter with children or not.

Just recently, I went on a Girl Scout Camp Training weekend.  There wasn't much information, before hand, about what we were to do, so I wasn't sure how "campy" it was all going to be.  All I did know, was we were to be sleeping in cabins.

I went with one other leader from our troop.  She's not outdoorsy, so I feared a little for her.  When I packed, the only thing I bought were hiking boots, she bought everything.  Even a new comforter, just for camping.  It was fun though.
We started with learning about fires and making fire starters.
These are pieces of candle sticks wrapped in wax paper.

We then went out and made our own little fires.
I was the only one to get mine on the first try.
I used my fire starter.
"That's cheating!" they said.
I said, "Why did we make fire starters if we weren't going to use them?"

My other troop leader, posing, was in the first team to start the fire for lunch.
I truly was proud of how well she did.  The type to refuse to not wear make up and perfume on a camping trip, she did very well.

I was a chef for lunch.
We made foil dinners for lunch.

Our dessert cooking in a dutch oven.

The extra potatoes, onions, and carrots.

It was a beef patty with potatoes, onions, and carrots.
It was good!

Our ready dessert.
An apple spice cake.

My serving of apple spice cake.

I forgot to take pictures of where we slept.  It was very nice.  I much looked more like a place you'd rent to hunt than a place for Girl Scout camping.

The next morning was cold and I didn't have a beanie.
I did, though, bring my black infinity scarf.
I wrapped it around my head three times; it kept my ears warm and hair back as we make breakfast.

She was a cook this time.
We had eggs, bacon, and tortillas.

Next, was knots.

We split into two teams and each put up a two man tent.
Our tent had two doors, which made me very intrigued.

Cooking lunch!
We had Scout Stew.

My servings.
See that mess kit?  The bowl and the plate? 
 It was my father in law's when he was in the army.

Lunch's dessert.
The absolute best dessert you can make on a camping trip!
It was such a nostalgic taste.

My share.

Us with our instructors.
The woman on the furthest left is in her mid-80s.  She's been doing this a long time.  Before we all left after lunch, she told us we might be her last camp training she does, and if we were, it was a great way to go.

We had a lot of fun.
If you are a troop leader getting ready to go to camp training,
don't worry, it's not hard and it's a lot of fun.  
Wear layers to peal off as you work.
Don't try using peppermint to deter mosquitos.  It works, but nats love it dearly.

This post was just a view of the fun I had at camp.
Return next week for a quick list on what I took to Girl Scout camp training!
See y'all then!

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