
Friday, March 16, 2018

What I Took for Girl Scout Camp Training

When I prepared for Girl Scout Camp Training, I bought myself some waterproof hiking boots.
Found at then bought in store, all the reviews told me they were comfortable right out of the box, and that was very important since I bought them quite last minute.
The reviews were right.  They were comfortable, and though I didn't test them, it did keep my feet dry in the short wet grass.

What I Took for GS Camp Training 
in the South Texas Fall

Mexican blanket
      for cold nights, you want extra layers

Hiking backpack
      when selecting a backpack, be sure you have a comfortable waistband, outside
      pockets, and the straps on the bottom for your pad or blanket

Waterproof hiking boots
      waterproof is crucial, as well as them being light in weight

Duct tape
     you can repair so many things with it

     wrap it around your wrist for easy access and can also be used to wipe off

Mess kit
     this ones clear why you need it, I prefer metal because you can heat it over the

Mesh bag/dunk bag
     for cleaning your mess kit, be sure it has a drawstring--in addition to the dunk
     bag, you could take galvanized buckets to wash dishes, we didn't need to since
     that was provided at the training

Waterproof bag
     this is precaution for an extra pair of clothes

Long socks
      your boots will be over your ankle, so should your socks, I bought baseball

Long pants
     even if it is hot, you should wear long pants to protect your legs

Long sleeved tops
     think thin for layering

Short sleeved tops
     think, again, thin for layering

Light jacket

     obviously, and bring only exactly how many days you will be there, more
     weight is more weight

Sport bras (instead of regular bras)
     you will be more comfortable and you won't muck up your good stuff

Bag for laundry
     you don't want to mix your dank clothes with your clean clothes--I used a large
     wet bag

Waterproof phone case/sack
     be prepared incase it rains

Cap/sun hat
     nothing fancy and something you don't mind getting sweat on

     if it's cold, you'll want some with touchscreen ability

Work gloves
     you'll want these when working with wood and fire

Infinity scarf
     this can come in handy for many things; wrap, sling, or to keep warm

Hydration belt/bladder backpack/cinch bag
     if you are planning for Girl Scout camping, you need to keep paperwork with
     you and sometimes medications, and you need to stay hydrated, these can solve
     both your problems

     if you are hiking, don't take these, but if this is for training, you'll want snacks,
     especially if you're like me with an iron deficiency

Windproof matches
     it'll make it easier to light the fire if they want you to use matches

Wind resistant long lighter
     if they don't care, this is better than matches

Sleeping bag/comforter and sheets
     this one is clear why

First aid kit
     bandages, wraps, hydrogen peroxide, thermometer, fever reducer, pain reliever,
     Benadryl--just your basics

Pocket knife
     we learned knife safety, if you are going for training, you will too, and if you
     are just camping, you should always have a knife with you

If You Are in Tents

Blow up mattress
     I prefere the double hight, they are much easier to get in and out of

Heavy duty tarp
     you will want one for under your tent, take two if you will be camping in rocky

     if you are supposed to sleep in tents, clearly, you would need one

Don't forget your prescribed medications!

 When doing Girl Scout Camp Training, listen, learn, and have a lot of fun!
I know I did!

Tell me if I left anything out.
What did y'all take on y'alls camp training days?

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