Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Girl Scout Parent Folder

The first thing I did as a Girl Scout troop leader was start a new board on my Pinterest account, secondly, I made the Troop Leader binders
The third thing I did as a troop leader, was make a parent folder.
This is where I tried to answer all the questions a parent would have, that way, when a parent needed to reference what we spoke about during our parent meeting, they would have it on hand.

Left pocket and front page.
In the left pocket is the 'About Me' page; allergy, medical, and family information are on these pages we collected from each Girl Scout.
The first page was an intro with a little Girl Scout history, the Promise, the Law, the Mission, the Motto, and the Slogan of the Girl Scouts.

Page 2 started with my information (name, cell, email, and address), as well as my two assistant troop leaders' information.  We also put our Facebook page information.

The folder then went into when and what time our meetings would be held.  The place was TBA at the time of printing, but then became confirmed by the weekend.  I explained membership fees, troop fees, and when they are all due.  We made clear, also, who is allowed at meetings.

Page 3, we covered the uniform, at this stage is Daisy, and where they could purchase it.  We also covered the adult volunteer uniform and when the uniforms should be worn. 
You can see we also put the Girl Scout sign, Girl Scout hand shake, and the Girl Scout quiet sign so the parents could see what their girls need to learn and practice.  

Page 4 started with a summation of our meetings, an explanation of activity supplies, how snacks would be organized, and a quick list of Special Meetings and Events, which poured into page 5, giving the parents a view of what to expect this coming year.

Page 6 covered field trips, parent/adult volunteers, and social media.  I included, in the social media section, a clear statement for parents to not post negative comments and to contact a troop leader directly if they have concerns.  We had not had an issue, but we put it in so we, hopefully, wouldn't in the future.

Thought these Thank You Girl Scouts cookies were a cute touch.

 I made a short list of where we got our numbers for the troop fees.

I made a much shorter version of the program guide.
I add only the council events our Daisies could attend.

The last page was our tentative troop meeting dates, and in the right pocket in the back was a color page for our Daisies with the Girl Scouts Promise.

Thanks so much for checking out my Girl Scout Parent Folder!

Update: I no longer have these files to share, but I give permission to copy the Girl Scout Parent Folder ideas I have in this post.


  1. Hello, I am becoming a new Daisy Troop leader and would love to have parent folders for our parent information session next week. Would you mind emailing me the pages you included in your folder? I think this information is very informative and would love to have folders like this. Of course I would have to change our logos to the Central Maryland GS. I just do not have time to start from scratch and since this is my first time leading a troop I do not want to miss anything. Thank you, Heather fitzhughh@comcast.net

    1. Sure! That would be no problem. The new member year is almost here!

    2. I would love this also please. maryann_kirkland@yahoo.com

    3. Should be in your box! Enjoy and have fun this year!

    4. I would love to get this too, please. tangelap3@gmail.com

    5. Should be in your box! Hope you enjoy!

    6. I would LOVE these as well! Thank you so much in advance! Julie.Porr@gmail.com

    7. We are having a late start and I am in panic mode! Could I also receive a copy?! Alasandrahuggins@gmail.com

    8. Sent! Good luck and take a deep breath! Remember, take your time because the real panic will start during cookie season ;) But you'll have a bit a time under your belt by then. :)

    9. I would love a copy also! Jaimiekratzer@yahoo.com

    10. Me too! Megan.campbell27@gmail.com

    11. Me too! mburke@ccb36.com

    12. Hello Erica! I am also a new Daisy Troop Leader. My Council doesn't have anything like this and how awesome you put all this work into it. I love it! Any chance I can get a copy also? If so, could you please send to emma_kay81@yahoo.com Thanks so much!!

    13. I would love to have it too!! I'm new Daisy Troop Leader.


    14. Hi, My Name is Hope and I am just starting a new Daisy troop too! would it be possible for you to email me the forms as well? hope.schirmer@gmail.com

      Thank you so much!! You are so wonderful to give this information out!

    15. Hi Erika,
      My name is Melissa and I am a brand new Daisy Leader (also in Texas 🙂). I would love a copy of all of your AMAZING and WONDERFUL handouts. Your generosity is appreciated.


    16. Hello, this is a wonderful idea. I would be very interested in the framework/template for your book. Troop30217@gmail.com

    17. Would I also be able to get your information used in you parents folder? It would be SO helpful for my new daisy Troop! Jenschim01@gmail.com

    18. I would be very interested. I am a troop leader and having my first meeting in 2 weeks. uofkgirl@gmail.com

    19. I would love a copy as well! New troop co-leader here! Thank You so much!

    20. Hello! I'm a new Daisy too leader and our council does not have anything like this. If you have a moment, could you please send me a copy. Thank you! oconnell.kari@gmail.com

    21. I am a new daisy troop leader looking for great resource to help have a successful and stress free year. I would be overjoyed to get a copy of what you included in the folder please. my email is mzbraggs@gmail.com

    22. Would you e-mail me these pages that you put in your parent folder? I just started my own new troop. alorfils@icloud.com

    23. Hi ladies! If anyone could please send me a copy of this! I am a new leader with my first meeting next week and this would be perfect for my girls. Thank you in advance for your help!

    24. Hello, If anyone can help I am a Co-Leader to a new brownie troop. We are still learning new tricks. Can anyone send me the pages? It would help out a lot. We started in October but its been up and down. Our troop is still a major learning curve so anything would help to maybe have more participation all around. Thank you! FawnParden@gmail.com :)

    25. I would love the packet as well! Our parent meeting is in two weeks and this would organize things so much!!! My email is katiderevere@gmail.com. Thanks!!!

    26. Could you please email me these as well, Thank you! gumball8812@gmail.com

    27. Can I please have a copy :) mandadk912@gmail.com

    28. Me too!!! Please! sarajreynolds@comcast.net

    29. Hi, Can you please email this to me at Lillian.gibson0509@yahoo.com?

      Thank you,

    30. Is there any way I could get a copy as well? drodriguez627@gmail.com

    31. I know this was created last year for Daisies..I'm brand new to being a leader and my daughter is new to all of this as well. Can you send me your files as well? lalvarez814@yahoo.com My daughter is actually going to be a Brownie so I will only use your generic files and adjust as needed. Thank you so much!

    32. Hi Erica do you have a download for the parent folder? I am interested in making folders for my brownie troop in hopes that it will help them be more involved. Thanks My email is smh8264@yahoo.com if you do not have a download I would love a copy if possible. Thank you for sharing

    33. Hi! I am also a new daisy troop leader - this is such an awesome post. I would love a copy if possible, has anyone found a download link? Or could anyone forward me a copy? epeck04074 (at) gmail.com

      Thanks so much!!

    34. Hello! This is so awesome for you to share. :) May I please have a copy of your papers as well? My email is rebeccajones7 (at) iCloud.com
      Thanks so much!

  2. Hello! I just started my daisy troop and I would love to use this as an outline for our folders! Could you please email me your packet! :) Kayladkelley@gmail.com

    1. Sure thing! My I internet was down but you can expect it to arrive to you this evening.

    2. i would love this as well. y.fabiankhim@gmail.com

    3. Sent your way! Hope this all helps you! Modify how you need for your troop and you'll be good to go!

    4. This is great! I'm In San Francisco and would love your packet too! Thank you in advance!

    5. Sorry! My email is chunleeo@yahoo.com

    6. Your parent folder is an awesome idea! I am the new Daisy leader this fall and would love it if you could please send me a sample of this. Thank you from a fellow Texan! Silverdolphin84@aol.com

  3. Hello! I would love to use your packet for an outline for our troop. This is an amazing resource for both parents and leaders! fntroop144@gmail.com

    1. No problem! You can expect it tonight!

    2. Could you email us your packet as well please? We are a combo troop and we could really use this. Thanks!

    3. cparkgstroop1996@gmail.com - forgot to include that. :-)

  4. I loved this. Thank you so much for sharing. I altered mine a bit to fit our troop, but having your ideas as a basis was invaluable! I think I'm going to share it with our Service Unit. Good work!

  5. Love this! Would you email me the papers as well? Such a great idea for the parents! stephanie_kay88@yahoo.com

    1. Should be in your box now. Change it how you need! Hope you have a great Girl Scout year!

  6. Hi, thank you so much for sharing in your experiences - could you please email me the papers you included in your Parent Binders? Thank you so much! rianna.n.r@gmail.com

    1. Sent your way! Hope it all goes smoothly, and have a great new Girl Scout year!

  7. Hi!
    Thank you so much for sharing all your fabulous knowledge and information with us! Is there any way you can send me what you include in your parent packet? I am a new leader and need some help!

    1. Should be in your box! Good luck being a new leader, can be crazy, but it's all so crazy fun! Good luck!

  8. I would also love to have a copy to help create our brand new Daisy troop parent folder. Thank you for the generous sharing! <3 sml4me22@gmail.com

    1. Sent! Change how you need, and I hope you have fun with those little Daisies! Be sure to check out how we did our Daisy Investiture. https://mscurlytexan.blogspot.com/2016/11/how-we-did-our-invesiture.html

    2. Erica Garcia Ginnett. Could I please have a copy of your forms as well? We have a new troop starting in December. Took some time to get the troop together. Please send them to smaronfrey@yahoo.com. Thank you in advance!

  9. Could you send me an email with your parent folder. I love the idea and that would help me out this year since its my second year as a leader.

    1. Sure! I just need an email for you and I can send it right out.

  10. I am going to ask the same as every other new troop leader on here. May I get a copy of the items you utilized for this as well?

  11. Keelyjon@hotmail.com

  12. Love it! Could you email me your packet? mickie_121872@yahoo.com

  13. I would also love to have your packet. I'm a trainer for my area and I think this would be invaluable to the new leaders! Please and thank you! gsguru1@att.net

  14. I would love one too! jnolan@dc3.edu

  15. I'd like a copy as well please! RSWHolland@gmail.com

  16. I'd love a copy as well please! Awipserdkis@gmail.com

    1. The given email didn't work. I tried it twice and both times it came back as not existing. Do you have another I can send it to?

    2. Sorry I just noticed I spelled it wrong. Awisperdkis@gmail.com

    3. I tried to reply but my connection is terrible. The email is Awisperdkis@gmail.com

    4. Sent! And I didn't get any email saying it didn't work. Enjoy!

  17. Id love a copy as well If you don't mind! Thank you for the helpful information!

  18. Hello this is also my first year as a daisy troop leader and would love a resource to go off of for my parent folders I seen you were emailing people some info if it's not to much trouble to send it my way as well, it would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you Tracey

    1. It's sent! Hope you have a lot of fun as a leader, I have so far! Good luck!

    2. Hello Erica,
      I am a brand new daisy leader. We are having our first meeting in December. Took awhile to get our ducks in a row. I was researching parent folders and your ideas are perfect. Would you mine sending me your packet as well? I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advanced. smaronfrey@yahoo.com

  19. Hi, I am also starting a new Daisy troop, could you please share this with me also? I have something started, but am gathering as many suggestions as I can...thanks!!! angiek82@yahoo.com

  20. I'm starting as a new leader and would love to have the files for the parent folder! Thanks so much for your hard work! mandykuhle@aol.com

    1. Sent your way! Have fun as a new Girl Scout leader. It can be crazy sometimes but it is always worth it.

  21. As a new Daisy leader, I would also LOVE to utilize this. Could you send to peggyhugen@gmail.com? Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

    1. Are you planning to share any more? Or have you reached your (time) limit? My meeting is Monday night, so trying to pull everything together.

    2. I also have the leader binder, http://mscurlytexan.blogspot.com/2016/10/girl-scouts-leader-binder.html You can check out how to do an investiture on my blog too.

  22. May I please have a copy? Perguson@gmail.com

  23. Erica, this is great! I know you have been inundated with requests but would you mind sending it to me as well? I would really appreciate it, thanks. Haha must be that time of year:) hillyham@yahoo.com

  24. New troop leader also would love the templates. kellyeident@me.com This is an awesome resource you offering everyone. Thanks so much for the hard work put into these documents.

  25. I would love a copy of your documents. Can you send it to daniraye84@gmail.com
    Thank you for sharing all of your info!

  26. New Kindergarten Daisy leader here, I love this parent folder, would you mind sending me a copy to kind of go off of? Thanks in advance! mmp02142010@gmail.com

    1. It should be in your inbox. Good luck and remember to have fun!

  27. Hi, can you also email me parent folder info please. New Troop leader and need all kinds of help! Thanks Kareyes18@gmail.com

  28. Please add me to the list of requests for your parent folder documents! Thank you so much for all you are doing to share your great ideas with others!

  29. HI erica! I would love to use your packet as a template as I am a brand new troop leader. would you please share it with me? alexcanngson@icloud.com

  30. HI erica! I would love to use your packet as a template as I am a brand new troop leader. would you please share it with me? alexcanngson@icloud.com

  31. Could I please look at your folder, I would like to modify it for Brownies! Thank you, Jchamberlin232@gmail.com

    1. Our troop will now have Brownies, looking forward to it! Good luck with your girls!

  32. Hi! New troop leader here! I'd love a copy too! twinkiemkrs@gmail.com

    1. Zipped your way! Good luck and make sure you have fun!

  33. omg where was this a week ago?! New brownie troop here and this will be great for my folders, can i also please get a copy? thank you! Lorraine.aguada@gmail.com

    1. LOL! I hope you enjoy this! Parents can always use more information about what their kids are involved in.

  34. Hi Erica, I would love a copy. New leader and want to start the year fresh. Starting the year late and trying to get on track with all my paperwork. here’s my email: elenatroop4884@gmail.com. Thanks a bunch :)

    1. Flying your way! Hope it gives you a boost at the start of this Girl Scout year!

    2. Will you e-mail copies out still on this? We are late starters as well with an all new troop and all new leaders ... it would be very helpful!!



    3. Erica Garcia Ginnett could you please send me your forms as well? I love what you did. I am a new daisy troop leader in NJ. We have our first meeting with the girls in December. We got a late start. My email address is smaronfrey@yahoo.com
      Thank you in advance

  35. I would love to have a copy of this please. dixiepepper1997@gmail.com

  36. I am a new troop leader and have a parent meeting coming up. Can you please email me the packet as well? Thanks so much! skorb@wi.rr.com

  37. Hello, late to the game but would be so appreciative of a copy of your parent handbook as well!! mindymo25@yahoo.com


  38. Hi I would love to have a copy of this parent handbook! Thank you for all the great info!

  39. We are brand new as well and just signed up to be a leader today. Could you email me as well? Thank you

  40. Brand new leader here as well. Would you mind sharing it with me too? Thank you so much!

  41. Brand new leader here as well. I love what you have put together. Would you mind sharing with me also? Thank you so much! kj_33@hotmail.com

  42. I love this idea! Would mind sharing your pages with me? It looks like you did an amazing job. Thank you so very much! troop36069@yahoo.com

  43. Love your parent folder. Would love to implement some of your pages into mine. Could I get a copy? tbecker610@gmail.com Thanks

  44. Hi Erica!
    I'm a brand new Daisy Leader and I would be forever grateful if you would share this with me!!


  45. Hi Erika,
    This looks so nice and organized. I have a parent meeting coming up soon. Could you please send me a copy of what you included in your folder. I would love to use whatever I can and not reinvent the wheel. :)

  46. Thank you for the great information! Would I also be able to get your information used in you parents folder? It would be SO helpful for my new daisy Troop! Jenschim01@gmail.com

  47. Like everyone else, this has been the most helpful resource I have found and I'm also just starting a daisy troop, next week is our first meeting. Would you still be willing to share? beaumont.lindsay@gmail.com

  48. Hi Erica! Thank you so much for sharing in your experiences. Could you please email me the file you used for your Parent Binder info? They look great! DamselProCandy@gmail.com

  49. I am a new daisy troop leader. would I be able to get a copy of what you included in the folder please. my email is dakotaschofield@gmail.com

  50. Hello, I am also a new daisy scout leader and would love to include all the wonderful information into our parent folders. Would you be able to email them? My email is anna_thorson@hotmail.com

  51. Please email me as well. New daisy leader here! kelsielallak@gmail.com

  52. Hi, Can you please email me as well. love this! kareyes18@gmail.com

  53. Hi there! I know you are probably overwhelmed with so many requests but I would LOVE it if you could also share this with me. I am a new Brownie troop leader and have no idea where to start! My email is jloraine.march@gmail.com.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. OMG! I would love to have the pages to build off of!
    New leader here trying to figure it all out, so very thankful for the internet and this blog!!

  56. Hello! I know you are very overwhelmed with so many requests but I would be grateful if you could also share your parent folder with me. I am a new Brownie troop leader and have so many ideas but need a starting point. Please and thank you.

  57. Hope you are well! I would love the parent packed as well. Thank you so much! lashawn.johnson36@yahoo.com

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hi there! This is wonderful. I'm a new daisy/brownie troop leader and would love if you could please sent this to me. jessicapremo82@gmail.com

  60. Hey1 I love this! I have a multi-level troop and I was never a girl scout. Im super excited! If you could please send this to ledbetter_amber@yahoo.com that would be great!

  61. Hello I'm also becoming a daisy leader this year....I was wondering if you could send me a copy of this....it wouod be wonderful.... Ballen2326@yahoo.com thank you for your time

  62. Hello is it possible I could get the email packet as well? first time troop leader and starting up a new troop and I would appreciate all the help I can get.


    thank you so much.

  63. Like everyone else, I would love a copy of the email packet! Thank you so much!

  64. Oh my goodness...I'm late to the party. We are having our first real meeting Friday. My Daisy is my granddaughter. I've never been a leader or a girl scout so I'm a bit overwhelmed. I would LOVE to have a copy of this and anything else you would like to semd. Lol Any advise or guidance would be a blessing. Thanks so much for sharing your talent and knowledge.
    Dana in Brock,TX txbrowneyes71@yahoo.com

  65. I am a new leader can you send to me katrinaormsby@yahoo.com.

  66. Hello! I’m a new Daisy/Brownie combo troop leader. We have our parent meeting in 12 days! Any chance you could send a copy of what you’ve used to me? I’d appreciate. My email is aatolliver@gmail.com. Thanks in advance and great job!

  67. Sharing this because I see a lot of new leaders like myself. A senior leader shared this webpage with me, where you can download a badge/attendance/dues/etc tracker that is so easy to use ...
    Also gives details about how the badges are earned etc right in the excel sheet.

  68. I am a new Daisy Troop leader. I would love to use this for my parent meeting. Can you email it to me at chilegirl80@gmail.com


  69. I would like a copy as well. Please and Thank You

  70. Hello I would love a copy as well please and if possible the Troop leader binder too please!! Thank u! varenas22@yahoo.com

  71. Hi, we are a new daisy troop and have been struggling to get organized. This would help get everyone on the same page. Would you mind emailing me the parent folder pages, as well as any pages for a leader binder and any tips and tricks for new troops/leaders. jensen4pack@yahoo.com

  72. Jumping on the new leader bandwagon and asking for an email copy of the parent and leader folders as well. It is GREATLY appreciated!! (lydia.delfi@gmail.com)

  73. It's my turn now, don't want to let the girls down. Can I get a copy at ShaunaV416@aol.com

  74. Oh my gosh, this is great! I'm a new Daisy leader and my parent meeting is Monday night. Any chance I could get a copy too? Thank you in advance!! tiffanygarner1@gmail.com

  75. I'm a new leader and would love to get a copy of this from you if you have the time. It's my first time and I'm starting a brand new troop and have no clue where to start. If you can send it to me at mya1887@hotmail.com I would be go grateful. Thank you so much.

  76. I would love a copy too if possible! alexa15hill@outlook.com. Bless you :)

  77. Hello Erica
    Omg I love this. I know you probably had to send to a lot of people, But I was wondering if you were able to send me a copy ? This would help so much. We started in Sept. Sometimes it can be a bit whelming. Thank you so much . My email is Rivera.yajaira82@gmail.com Than you again

  78. This is AWESOME!!! Could you send this to me as well? jnp0910@gmail.com

  79. I would love a copy also gstroop30078@gmail.com

  80. Please send me a copy, this is wonderful! Lspameni@gmail.com

  81. You have such a great blog and I would love to have a copy of this parent folder, if possible. swade3@hotmail.com

  82. This is just what I was looking for!:-) Thanks for creating it. Will you please send a copy of this folder to: gstroop1566md@gmail.com.

    Thank you!

  83. I would love a copy as well! If you could email me at katiderevere@gmail.com, that would be so great! Thanks!

  84. If you are still sending the information for the parent folders would you please send to me as well?
    Thank you.

  85. I could really use this for my multi Kevel troop. Could you please send me a copy to use as a guide, I would greatly appreciate it. Nlv1118@gmail.com
    Thank you!

  86. I would love a copy also gstroop08340@gmail.com

  87. Like everyone else I would love a copy to use as a guide for my parent meeting coming up. I am a brand new Daisy leader. elizabethschamel@yahoo.com I would be forever thankful.

  88. I’m new and could use this info for upcoming first meeting. Torrieshapale@icoud,com. Thank you so much

  89. We are starting up our troop here in Washington state! Would appreciate if you shared the forms :)


  90. I would love it as well please!

  91. I'm new too...could I get a copy please? tricia@justusgirlscrafting.com

  92. Could you Please email me these files for the parent folder as well, Thank You! gumball8812@gmail.com

  93. I would love to have this!

  94. I would also love to have a copy if it is still possible? tricia@justusgirlscrafting.com

    Thank you!

  95. I’d love a copy too if you’re still sharing: jmw1717@aol.com.

  96. I would love a copy if you are still sharing. katehoffmangs@gmail.com

  97. I would love to have this as well. I will have a brownie / junior troop/ Cadette troop but I'm hoping daisies will decide to join also. Do you give parents the folder or do you keep the folder and then make a packet for parents?

  98. I would love a copy as well please. My email is andrea@amischool.com

  99. I’m already planning for next year. Would love a copy. Swngrrl (at) gmail. Thanks so much!

  100. This looks wonderful! I would also love to have this! Would you be able to send me copies also? My e-mail address is mary.ruggieri@gmail.com

  101. Looks awesome. I would love to have this to use with my new troop that will be starting in June of this year. Would you be able to send me copies as well? My email is as follows e.altman36@gmail.com

  102. This is great, can you please send me a copy as well.. new Brownie Leader! debrapulsifer@gmail.com

  103. This is great. Do you mind sharing one more time? This is great and thank you so much for putting it together.

  104. Would love to use this for our troop this year could you email it to me delanng@gmail.com.

  105. You did a great job with this! I started my first troop last year, but we were so late, it was already into cookie season and I had to place my initial order without even knowing how many I'd have in my troop! Talk about stressful! I managed last year but just barely! But I love Girl Scouts and can't be scared away! I'm trying to start this coming year off the right way, and especially since I'm going to have a multi level troop this upcoming year and more girls! This is an excellent way to start the year off. Could I get a an emailed copy?? jessica061881@gmail.com Thanks and keep up the amazing work! You don't always hear positive - but you're making a difference, not only in the girls that you serve, but with your blog and information, SO many more!! You'll probably never realize just how far your influence has reached!

  106. Would you be able to email a copy of this to me please? This would be great for our soon to be Junior's and their parent drama/bullying that is going on lately!! Thank You :)

  107. I would love to get a copy of this if it's still available, kayleigh514@yahoo.com. thank you!

  108. May I please get a copy as well Mrs Erica? Proudmama274@gmail.com

  109. This is fantastic. Can I please get a copy too. coraabbott-at-gmail.com. Thank you!

  110. Thank you for your time and effort. May I please have a copy of the Parent Folder if still available sent to scoutbev538@gmail.com

  111. It’s a great resource. Can you please send me copy thanks

  112. Lover this idea. Could I get a copy? Dorinda-g@hotmail.com I will be starting a daisy troop this coming year and would like to get my Brownie Troop more organized. Thanks

  113. Could I get a copy of this, please? First year as a brownie leader!

  114. I would love a copy of the pages you printed for parents- I have a parents meeting for a brownie troop this week and it’s my first time doing Girl Scouts. I’d appreciate it if you don’t mind sharing! Katielewhagen@gmail.com

  115. Hello,

    Can I get a copy of the forms? My email is Lmpatton913@gmail.com.

