The first thing I did as a Girl Scout troop leader was start a new board on my Pinterest account, secondly, I made the Troop Leader binders.
The third thing I did as a troop leader, was make a parent folder.
This is where I tried to answer all the questions a parent would have, that way, when a parent needed to reference what we spoke about during our parent meeting, they would have it on hand.
Left pocket and front page.
In the left pocket is the 'About Me' page; allergy, medical, and family information are on these pages we collected from each Girl Scout.
The first page was an intro with a little Girl Scout history, the Promise, the Law, the Mission, the Motto, and the Slogan of the Girl Scouts.
Page 2 started with my information (name, cell, email, and address), as well as my two assistant troop leaders' information. We also put our Facebook page information.
The folder then went into when and what time our meetings would be held. The place was TBA at the time of printing, but then became confirmed by the weekend. I explained membership fees, troop fees, and when they are all due. We made clear, also, who is allowed at meetings.
Page 3, we covered the uniform, at this stage is Daisy, and where they could purchase it. We also covered the adult volunteer uniform and when the uniforms should be worn.
You can see we also put the Girl Scout sign, Girl Scout hand shake, and the Girl Scout quiet sign so the parents could see what their girls need to learn and practice.
Page 4 started with a summation of our meetings, an explanation of activity supplies, how snacks would be organized, and a quick list of Special Meetings and Events, which poured into page 5, giving the parents a view of what to expect this coming year.
Page 6 covered field trips, parent/adult volunteers, and social media. I included, in the social media section, a clear statement for parents to not post negative comments and to contact a troop leader directly if they have concerns. We had not had an issue, but we put it in so we, hopefully, wouldn't in the future.
Thought these Thank You Girl Scouts cookies were a cute touch.
I made a short list of where we got our numbers for the troop fees.
I made a much shorter version of the program guide.
I add only the council events our Daisies could attend.
The last page was our tentative troop meeting dates, and in the right pocket in the back was a color page for our Daisies with the Girl Scouts Promise.
Thanks so much for checking out my Girl Scout Parent Folder!
Update: I no longer have these files to share, but I give permission to copy the Girl Scout Parent Folder ideas I have in this post.